but anyway, some photos to keep my readers happy =)
madison's birthday from a couple of weeks ago.
it was a quiet birthday coz my bro was really sick for a bit there.

hmm, what else can i update about ?
ooh, right. jien's grad was last thurs, she had her grad dinner on sat. it was also teri's hen's night in which i attended the after party and not the dinner/strip show coz i was at jien's grad dinner.
no photos from all these coz i didn't bring my camera and as such, photos are not with me.
however, a giant CONGRATULATIONS shoutout to jien on graduating..
to teri. may your marriage and wedding thereafter be blissful and happy =)
onward to more photos ! this time from silk road, a collaborated black tie event.

all in all, a good night.. despite some.. unforseen circumstances. teehee. i'm sure most of you will have heard of it by now, right ? lol
may the force be with black: tie affairs and lists,