the coming of lin for a 4-day holiday to kl brought me some unexpected joy. quite aside from the fact that she came down and i got to meet her, she brought some stuff all the way from down under (i think =P)
the day she came down, we went to asia cafe for dinner cum supper. met up with her and her bf, han wei and his gf, li lynn (not too sure whether i got the spelling right *embarassed*) and my dear old loud speaker friend, pei wen. anyways, after supper, her bf sent me home and she was like 'wait, i've gotta pass you something.' out came the above! i swear, i didn't stop smiling that night after that.
ladies and gentleman, my early berfday bounty. cheaper to send it down by hand than to post. thanks so much you guys! love the things. so shweet of all u all to remember *hugs*
introducing ya'all to bloo crumble, a name my older sis and i agreed on. he's the blue bear if u all didn't guess. haha. sounds juvenile but who cares. i never confessed to being a matured person anyways.
thanks, ash for sending it down =) that and the violet crumble. oooh.. mmm i love chocolate. and cute huggable stuff. thanks soooooooooooo much =) i'd didn't think u'd remember *hugs*
lin, mz and han wei. thanks for the single-hippo bouquet. it's blue! omg. i love it. it's adorable. and furry. furrrrrrrrrry =) lin, thanks for everything. being a friend. and being there for me always. love ya more than u'd know. lol
and, of course, to the my dear big brother and his beautiful girlfriend, madison. thanks for the perfume. i love the smell. she's got great taste. it doesn't smell too aunty or too youngish or sickening sweet. juz a right floral smell. anna sui's love perfume in a butterfly shaped bottle. i am so crazy about butterfly patterns. hehe. so nice now i've got butterfly shaped bottled perfume
i also am currently into kenzo too. hehe. one day, i'll save up and go buy myself a kenzo perfume. mmm =)
2nd day lin was here, i went to meet her for dinner and drink in pyramid. first went to some viet restaurant wid van, ej, lin and urs truly. the meal was OK i guess. after that we dropped by at magical theatre restaurant and bistro where lin and i both had 1 and half shots of flaming lambrogini. wow. it's like drinking fire! pictures will be uploaded when and if i get them. a must-try-at-least-once-experience =) it's like drinking fire. and the effect kicks in quite fast. but ok. wasn't high or anything.
3rd day, i went to dinner wid steven, alex, khong and joo hor and then we walked to pyramid after that where they stayed on to watch dorm. roshan had come to kl so he picked me and lin up and we went to his uncle's club. -_-"
no offense and not trying to be a racist but like, despite having good music, it's very uncomfortable being there. and some old 30-yr-old uncle tried to pick me up. wtf?!?! he like kept on tweaking my rubberband on my hair and when i turned around he started talking to me. this is when roshan came to my rescue. then old uncle backed off for like 10minutes. then he went to stand behind me. and tried to grab me around the waist. i was like 'f***!' and he had the cheek to tell me that my 'boy' (roshan i'd assume) allowed him to take me to dance. and i was like 'he doesn't own me and i've got the right of choice. anyway i've got a bf' (god forgive me for lying about having a bf) and i walked off. blah. *grumbles*
downing tequila didn't help to wash the distaste of that place from my mind so lin, roshan and i left real early. THIS is why a girl should NEVER go clubbing without a GIANT group or her BOYFRIEND in tow. never again. i must remind myself. effing idiot. it seems everytime i club in kl idiots irritate me -_-" and they can never take hints. wat is wrong with the ppl here? are that really THAT dense? !@#$% it's not as if i go clubbing often (at all!) in kl. *grumbles*
and, i shall never want to see horny old totally not-hot aunties dancing as well. it's painful.
crashed at lin's hotel room that night coz i was out past my curfew. haha
anyways, it was great to meet lin and hang out with her. take care in sydney, babe. all the best!
may the force be with my dear friends who didn't forget.. (mwah!)