so.. my poor darling wicket got infected. steven came over to try fix it.. but after i restarted, half my computer was in some weird junky language.
so, two days later, with a computer that had no functioning windows media playing, internet explorer, mozilla firefox, etc. i lugged my com to pyramid to have it fixed.
sarah offered to send me... but she had too many assignments so i took a cab there myself.
got a nice cab driver.. who saw me tottering out with my cpu.. so he came out to open the door for me. he then proceeded to scold me for not asking my boyfriend to carry it for me (wth!) anyways, told him i didn't have one. so he offered to lug my computer up to pyramid's i.t centre coz according to him 'i shouldn't carry so heavy stuff' =P
and he didn't even want to accept payment! *faint*
at least, i convinced him to accept the cabfare.
*lol* i always complain that cabfares are too expensive.. and the ONE time i get it for free i insist on paying *lol*
anyways.. took it to the shop.. dude told me to reformat was RM50. kinda expensive *sigh*
but i need a functioning computer.
a 100 ringgit later.. i got a webcam (original price 98) and my computer fixed

yea.. and i stole the pic from some site.. don't know which one =p
and.. i thought i paid that dude.. apparently i didn't.. i left to have dinner with sarah and ej who were waiting for me downstairs..
and sometime into dinner.. dude called to tell me i hadn't paid! omg.. so embarassing..
after dinner sarah drove me back so i COULD pay.. saw steven and his date? i think. lol
but was kinda in a rush coz computer shop dude didn't sound too happy. can imagine.. after i walked off with his 100bucks. hahaha
i can't believe i walked off without paying!
dude messaged me to thank me after that. how weird is that?
need to study.. 17days
may the force be with wicket..