it's always the unexpected surprises that make you happiest
i received a bouquet of roses.

first time i've ever received anything for valentines.
actually, first time i've ever received flowers as well.
the first is always the most memorable though.
thanks.. *hugs* so sweet of you to send them from way over there :)
really love them
*smiles from ear to ear*
(updated here)
got a box of chocs from wk too.
thanks for sending them. they're really good. and you're gonna get me fat. *lol*
i promise from now on, i shall not complain bout boring valentines.
otherwise, i haven't really been up to anything.
hanging out, the largest nightmarket i've ever seen in pg island, shopping, supeng's farewell and momo couple of times, more shopping.
photos from last night below:
actually.. it wasn't really momo perse. we were club hopping. *lol* but the photos WERE taken in momo. didn't bring the cam to glo and all.
happy valentines, girls :)
rest of the photos upon request. mostly, it's just us dancing though.
nianz has left for syd, roshan to melb, chensiang to adelaide.. hmm.. i think that's it.
i did not see any of them off.
sorry nianz. see you one of these days, yea?
this will be my last post for a bit. going back to kl sat.
then i'll be going to my new place. i won't have internet connection there for a bit.
this is gonna be a lonely cny. no more co, mad and chie :(
THAT means, no more mahjong for me. *sigh*
may the force be with (as belle terms it) silly badtiming sith assbiters,
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