actually, technically it's wednesday. but my time zones are all warped so its still tuesday.
its nice to indulge in icecream. especially swensen's sinfully rich tasty-ies coupled the weirdest conversation makes the best stress reliever ever. mmm.
i so failed bimbo101.
lessons courtesy of ej and wen.
actually, ej said she'd give me an NP. but since she doesn't qualify as bimbo, near passes probably is out of sympathy for me, so i failed badly and i can sleep easy tonight.
learnt a few things bout them. they're dumb, not necessarily blonde, wear pink, giggle a lot, make a lot of unnecessary sounds, have the vocab that constantly revolves around totally, ohmygawd and like-(inswert sentence here)*1, have (according to ej) sticky chewy chocolate for brains (although in my opinion, its not even chocolate.. its just air), mostly, they aren't hot and are of course, "fashionable".
have i left anything out? probably not.
he's not blek anymore (;
sidenote: i also picked up some dumb kawaii poses. there's the finger poking dimple (and if you haven't got one, just poke your cheek) pose, the peace-which-actually-refers-to-male-vitality pose, the openhanded-almost-hello pose and the newest.. the dead bunny pose. photos on how to do these poses will be posted when i'm in the mood of making fun of myself on my blog.
and i've learnt nothing new from lectures except for the fact that my lecturer used to want to be a part-time porn star. *shrugs
may the force be with bimbo101,
*1 spelling error intentional.