Tuesday, September 25, 2007

on the evening news

i'm tired, exhausted and my wrist hurts like hell.

i'm lucky if i manage to get 5 hours of sleep let alone have to luxury of sleeping in.

i still have assignments to do, and perhaps, maybe, work? plus finals is coming up so i've gotta cram studying in between.



what type of holiday is this?!?!?! it isn't a bloody holiday if you ask me.

this is nowhere how i envisioned uni-life to be like. *gwumble

sorry, post is coz i'm feeling rather sorry for myself.
i pwomise this will pass in the morning after i've gotten myself some rest!

sigh at least i've got the linkin park concert to look forward to.

my guilty splurge of the semester. again photo stolen from deviantart and i've no idea who to give photocredit to.

i need a massage and a hug. again. lol

may the force be with smurfs,

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