Wednesday, January 30, 2008
do your part, what you can
dedicated to victims of bus accidents such as our darling nianz and the fellow bus riders that passed along with her.
if you know a friend or care, please, do your part and sign the petition circulating via the internet (link is through that blog) and please, post this on your blog so that other readers can read it. post it so that something CAN be done about this and others do not need to suffer through the agony the families and friends of the deceased have gone/going through.
it is not easy, to be able to smile again. not easy to be able to stand and face life when there's a void in your life. i think, truly, a part of each one of us died with her that day. we know life will never be the same. we can do what we can for our lives to continue on as usual, but deep down, we know, it'll never be the same. her sunniness will never infect us again, our group will no longer be ever chased out of cafes for being too noisy. we were a tight knit bunch and no, our lives will never be able to continue the way it was.
please, do your part, and circulate this petition.
thanks so much.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Cops: No warrant of arrest for ‘fatal crash’ bus driver
KUALA LUMPUR: The driver of the bus that was involved in a crash which killed three passengers, including medical scholar Lee Nian Ning, near Slim River on Friday was never issued with a warrant of arrest for 13 traffic offences.
“The driver never received the summonses. All the police summonses were issued on the bus.
“We will take action against the bus company which is based in Johor Baru,” Federal traffic chief Senior Asst Comm (II) Datuk Hamza Taib said.
The driver Ruslim Isa, 43, is being warded at Teluk Intan Hospital for a broken right leg.
i say wtf, screw the whole 'protected by law' shit. how can the company take all liability and let the driver off? he was the one who killed people, he's in actual fact, really a murderer. so maybe he's got a broken right leg and feels bad about it but that doesn't amount to the potential of the lives he took. it does not equal to the grief the loved ones of the deceased have to go through, the strength they need to be able to stand again.
please, if u're a reader of this blog and you really cared enough, please try to spread the word through the blogosphere so that people know and are aware of this issue as i can see the newspapers are slowly letting this issue fade into the background. that isn't right, that shouldn't be done. other bus riders and even innocent bystanders have the right to know. justice has to be served.
if somebody cared
Chung Lern and Nian Ning’s families would like all families and friends of the victims, dead or alive, in the Slim River Bus Crash to come forward and join them in taking action against the bus company. Stand up to seek justice for these three innocent individuals, who were all so young and full of life.
If you have a blog, please call out to ANYONE who
knows someone who survived or did not survive
the crash to come forward to join the Lee family.
Make a huge difference, make a huge fuss.
For now, you may contact Lee Chung Lern at or preferably on his handphone at 012-6670368.
A petition will always come into good use in times like these. We’ve yet to grasp the objectives of the petition but of course it would be forwarded to the bus company, the ministry of transport(nevermind, we can still try our luck) and being a tad bit ambitious, the prime minister.
We don’t want to disturb Chung Lern and Nian Ning’s family yet, but we’re trying to understand what are our objectives if a petition should be made. Please give us your suggestions and watch this space.
I don’t want to be seen as overly nosy in the business of someone I don’t know but I feel that the demise of these innocent lives were so uncalled for. I’m feeling my friend’s pain. It could’ve been me, I can’t stress that enough. This is the most that I can do.
For all you know, it could be me, just your average young bus rider wanting to go home.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Penumpang nampak pemandu bas main SMS
SLIM RIVER 25 Jan. - Pemandu bas dua tingkat yang terbabas dan terbalik hingga tiga penumpangnya maut di Kilometer 384 Lebuh Raya Utara- Selatan dekat Behrang dikatakan bermain khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) ketika memandu.
Salah seorang mangsa yang ditemui di Hospital Slim River di sini memberitahu, mereka dapat melihat pemandu bas berkenaan asyik bermain SMS sedangkan pada masa itu bas dipandu laju ketika hujan lebat.
Mangsa yang bekerja sebagai doktor dan enggan dikenali berkata, kecuaian pemandu tersebut amat menakutkan penumpang lain kerana tindakan itu amat berbahaya dan boleh mengundang malapetaka.
Seorang lagi mangsa, Netty Herlina, 33, berkata, bas berkenaan dipandu laju hingga menyebabkan bas itu membuai dan bergoyang-goyang.
''Saya duduk di tingkat atas dan apabila bas itu terbabas saya telah tercampak keluar daripada bas. Selepas itu saya tidak sedar apa-apa hingga di bawa ke hospital," katanya.
Nasha Hairi, 40, pula berkata, ketika bas berkenaan sedang bergoyang, dia melihat pemandu bas tersebut berdiri secara tiba-tiba seolah-olah terkejut dan takutkan sesuatu.
''Selepas itu saya dan penumpang lain jadi ketakutan dan menjerit sekuat hati sejurus sebelum bas berpusing dan terbalik," katanya.
Dalam pada itu, Rosnah Ismail, 37, salah seorang penumpang MPV jenis Honda Oddysey yang merempuh bas tersebut pula memberitahu, bas itu kelihatan berputar sebanyak tiga kali dan memasuki laluan bertentangan sebelum terbalik.
''Memang kami tidak sempat membrek dan mengelak bas tersebut kerana bas itu melintang betul-betul di tengah lebuh raya," katanya yang hanya cedera ringan.
sourced from utusan malaysia
as nianz dad said, why are monsters like this allowed to roam the streets?
shouldn't bus companies screen their drivers first to ensure that they are competant when the lives of so many people are in their hands?
"Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart"
- Kay Knudsen
Bus crash: Driver had 13 outstanding summonses
IPOH: The driver of a double-decker express bus that saw three of its passengers killed in a crash near Slim River on Friday had 13 outstanding police summonses issued against him.
Records in revealed that Ruslim Isa, 43, who was sent to the Teluk Intan Hospital for a broken right leg after the 5.55pm accident, had seven summonses issued against him for speeding, five for illegal overtaking and one for not using an overhead bridge.
Katanya, akibat daripada itu, semuanya menjerit ketakutan dan ada antaranya yang tercampak keluar.
Sementara itu, Timbalan Ketua Polis Daerah Slim River, Deputi Supritendan Adzhar Othman memberitahu, pemandu bas tersebut mempunyai tiga waran tangkap dan 19 saman termasuk 12 kesalahan memandu melebihi had laju.
sourced from the star and utusan malaysia***
i think the thing i'll miss most is all those moments i had with her, many of the crowning ones being the embarassing ones
like her jumping into my sister's car thinking i was in there
all those various camps together where we both always worked and worked and gossiped
all those times where we just go out and people watch
all the times u always try to force me to eat my veggies
all those long phone calls
all those times i called u screaming with happiness when he made my day
the times when there was a raid and u kept asking us how come there was no music and we had to shush you
the three times u went clubbing.. and i was glad i could be there to watch ur back
we had a great life, a great time. it was a rollercoaster journey but i wouldn't have missed it for the world
malaysia had better do something about their bus services. this isn't by far, the first accident that has occured and if something isn't done, it won't be the last.
it's not fair, the agony the friends and family of the dearly departed have to go through. irresponsibility should never be overlooked; especially if it costs lives. lives will never equal to any amount of money or material goods - it is a life, a life that has touched your soul and brightened your life.
man, i've to stopped blogging like this but for some reason i can't help it
will update what comes out in the press
Saturday, January 26, 2008
IPOH: Two people died and three were seriously injured after the double-decker express bus they were travelling in lost control before crashing into a divider at southbound of Km382 of the North-South Expressway between Slim River and Behrang.
The two dead were identified as Mohd Zailini Mustafa, 23, and Lee Nian Ning, 21. Both are from Sg Nibong and Taman Bukit Gelugor, Penang, respectively.
The unidentified bus driver in the 5.55pm incident was also seriously injured.
There were 39 people on board including the driver and co-driver. The injured had been sent to the Slim River Hospital for treatment.
Slim River deputy OCPD Deputy Supt Adzhar Othman said initial reports found that the bus, which was travelling from Penang to Kuala Lumpur, had lost control and was lying sideways blocking both sides of the expressway.
“A multi-purpose vehicle, which was travelling behind the bus, could not brake on time causing it to crash onto the bus.
“The driver was however unhurt,” he said when contacted.
DSP Adzhar said the victims were pulled out from the bus by passing motorists.
sourced from the star
i can't believe i won't hear from you again. see you, laugh with you. there were so many things we planned on doing.. you coming melb in the winter, me going syd nxt year.
watch sweeney todd when you got back coz johnny depp was one of your faves.
get you drunk coz you've never been drunk before and you're too busy studying in syd to have any time off.
go backpacking around asia although i doubt i'd survive it.
going out for some drinks and food every now and then.
you calling me to tell me you've extra tarts and whether i'll want some more.
so many years of memories and i wish there could be more.
you're one of my best friends, one of my oldest. we grew up together and you were always there through thick and thin. the tall and shorts.
none of us ever got to say goodbye. we never thought we'd never see you again.
i love you babe. but u're in a happier place now, and you being the sweetheart you are, i'm sure you got into heaven just fine. or i guess since we're buddhist you'll be reborn. in which case you'll be reborn human, someone rich and well-to-do who leads a comfy life.
its not just that the driver got off scot-free. it's not fair that insurance can just pay his debt off. a life is not equal to any amount of money and yours was so much better than many.
be happy babe. smile down on our follies and just.. be at peace.Sunday, January 20, 2008
evil bee
i did have a good weekend though involving random club hopping and then chilling at tiger arms, waking up like three hours later to go hiking to mukahead/monkeybeach and to lin's dinner thing. teehee BIGHUG to my fat kid for putting up with my moodiness all weekend.
so totally k.o-ed today. photos shall be posted if i decide i look good in them! =D
on another note, thaipusam on wed so means i can't go out tues evening, wed and thurs afternoon at all!
i don't like living beside the kavadi procession! =(
may the force be with my brief brief updates,
Sunday, January 06, 2008
for the vertically challenged
your brother tells you its no problem finding tall guys coz anyone your age will tower over you anyway
your sister laughs when she says 'shouldn't the younger sibling be taller than the older?'
your two (taller) best girl friends are like the twin towers and you realise you make a great bridge
even when trying to compare with your shorter girlfriends and *cough* gloat over your height (a bit) u're forced to stand really straight.. but that doesn't always work
*not that i really do, fyi*
you barely reach up to your boyfriend's shoulder and he tells u its ok coz u're ok being short (ok, more like petite in his words.. so i'm changing words for maximum impact.. teehee)
your mum tells you 'sigh, and i fed you so much protein and calcium too when you were young.. you showed SO much potential!'
'you put all the food to waste.. only went forward *laughs*'
you tiptoe TO THE TALLEST YOU CAN GET to grab a book from the highest bookshelf and you realise.. you need a ladder/stool/somethingtoalleviateyourheight to get it
but then again, i don't mind my height. this is a random blog entry. hv been babysitting majority of the day so i'm trying to fill in some time
may the force be with the vertically challenged,
Saturday, January 05, 2008
i'm a sexy strawberry!
ok, that's it for now =)
wow, i realise my blogging bug's come back. teehee.
may the force be with boredom backlogs,
Thursday, January 03, 2008
mervin had an open house bbq thing last night... his new place is super chun-ted. really nice though no, i do not know the build-up area nor do i know how much it cost. yes, it's an open house but no, i do not care about the house's specs.
supposedly started at 6.30 but true to malaysian time, no one actually made it till 7.30/8. lol, yea, even the always-punctual-ones. by time i picked ash it was already 7pm.. lol although in my defense i couldn't find his house -_-
deceiving turnings. meh.
ok, so maybe i don't really. but i was trying to be nice!
super super hot ! meltable!!
super cute kid.. who told us his name is arjan, barks orders at us, doesn't allow us to laugh/giggle and comes up with answers to any question like 'i'm just four' and 'i'm a boy' and 'i finished my banana so fast!'
ooh, naruto's been done for quite some time. didn't realise. teehee.
may the force be with bbqs and housewarmings,
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
ushering in 2008; usual style
NYE at mois where we couldn't reenter after we went out =(
usual NYE.. means loads of photos, alcohol and friends.

ok, i'm sien with uploading pics d
i had a good year.. it was kinda messy and confused up. yes, i made mistakes like every other year but i AM happy with my life and i'll try to make 2008 a better year.
as i'm home alone now (my siblings all have left leaving me alone *sob*) i've plenty of time to reflect upon my life. i'm glad my friends and family have always stood by me through thick and thin and i'm glad i finally saw what was always sitting in front of my eyes which actually i always knew but never admitted. hmm.
may the force be with 2008 and may it be a good one!
cheers ~