when we first moved in, i remember thinking...moving in in a neighbourhood of old people was going to be a
bad idea - u know the whole if we make too much noise we'd disturb our neighbours and all that and they wouldn't like it? and (judging by my old place) having stereos blasting will just cause them to come knocking on our door and complaining to us. plus our house, like 80% of tenants in this particular housing area, was old and stuff kept getting spoilt, like our central heating, fuses kept blowing, the water heater intermittently decided not to work... stuff like that.
but i've learnt better.
our neighbours are one of the best we could ask for (cept for dude who keeps stealing our carport and giving us a stuck up face)
this is why:
- when we first moved in and our house heater wasn't working, our neighbours actually came in and spent an hour trying to get our central heating and water heater working. while the central heating doesn't work still, it is still a really magnanimous nice 'welcome to the housing area' gesture and i'm really glad for that.
- the nice old lady is always so sweet to us, always stops to chat with us, complimenting us on how we look and stuff (even when we look like crap) and she's got the most adorable dog which she allows us to play with whenever possible
- nice old dude who ALWAYS takes our dustbin in for us after dustbin days and waters our (not really cared for by us) garden and all the rose bushes and stuff around our house.
- if they see us girls carrying really heavy grocery bags struggling to get our stuff to our unit (which is the last unit and quite far in) they always help us carry our stuff
- they take our mail in for us (coz we had a spoilt postbox cover and it more often than not fell off, leaving our mail open to the wind and rain) and leave it by our door-grill.
- someone (not sure who but am suspecting old dude) fixed our postbox cover for us after it got spoilt soon after we moved in and we just couldn't be bothered to get it fixed and left it hanging.
they're so sweet! they're really friendly (of course am not talking bout red-car-dude) and are always willing to lend us a helping hand, chat with us and not once have they ever complained about noise or anything.
while our house isn't the best (though light years better than my old one), i think the neighbours more than make up for it.
and i feel kinda bad about ranting about someone stealing our postbox cover when someone, whoever he/she is actually fixed our postbox cover for us.
and my week of ranting.. well, i'm ok already and i think this should be the week of appreciation coz of all those notes and msgs of encouragement i got.
exams in 3 days! am so scared but still happy !

chie left the CUTEST msg for me on her
strawbunny blog and even vong sent me the cutest 'good luck in exams' card (; and some other randoms from my friends and family. ooh *smiles*
oh and my girls, of course, all being so nice and supportive, yay. i love you all ! and i SUPER MISS YOU ALL !
and lol, of course my baby's been having to deal with my extreme panicking and stuff, thanks sweetie =D
and yes, i've seen it's the journey through life, they ppl that help, the things that you appreciate, that truly make life worth living, not just wishing for the end result.
anyway, time for me to hit my books,
its three days !
may the force be with my last three days (and a week thereafter),