i've been living in my current house since late march. that's a long time, almost eight months and in that time this place has become home.
and now with all my housemates gone home to malaysia, it feels really really empty. like a mere shell of what it used to be. there's no more laughter, no more joking around, in fact, really, no more noise at all.

the guys too make the house whole with ivan, mr. fix-it-all and kenneth with his lame(r) jokes and weird accents.
i know you people are all happy at home (with i-vin touching down later tonight) but i'm sure you'll come across this sooner or later.
thanks for being fab housemates.. and the nando coupons O_o
i'm gonna become nando freak like you all by the end of the year, lol.
on the other hand, i'm not going to be all home alone either (although i currently am home alone)
as i'm sure i've told like a few hundred people by now, i'm returning in january but i am currently awaiting the arrival of my big sister ! and that's dr. da jie jie to you too !

and guess who she's bringing along ?

and don't say i didn't do anything for you when you come ok !
i have just spent the last three hours CLEANING AND VACUUMING my not-s0-small house !
THREE HOURS ! rwarrr ! my muscles are tiredddddd
i even woke up early to do it ! LOL
i have cleaned my house's bathroom, even scrubbed the grimy tiles until they're sparkling ! i can't realy get the glass that clean, i don't know why but at least it's more or less clean now ! and i scrubbed BOTH the toilets (eww) and the bathtub and vacuumed the kitchen, cleaned the stove, kept all the utensils, wiped all teh countertops (including the ones which have the steamer and stuff on it) and vacuumed allt he hallways and stairs ! and i even straightened out the shoe area, wahhH !i'm so proud of my sudden cleanliness, teehee.
generally my cleanliness just extends to around my room, haha.
i only have the living room to vacuum but i don't know how to ! justin's stuff is all there ! LOL

may the force be with happy holidays !
i'll be seeing u at approximately.. 10.15pm ! WAH ! less than 10hours away, wheee ~

cheers XD
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