Tuesday, December 23, 2008

dr bunnii

this post is in honour of someone great.

and it's time to celebrate!

whee !
you know why ?
coz bunnii is finally DOCTOR bunnii!!

congrats chie ! WHEE ! u're finally a doctor, wooooo (;

anyway total lack of updates coz my family came melb then i went to adelaide then i'm going back to melb and i've been busy plus no internet.

not many things to update bout.. probably the main thing that happened is me passing all my papers, shrugs.

anyway, yea, sleep time.
too bad i couldn't go back pg earlier =(
can't go back to see my baby anymore, rwar. how disappointing.

on the up point, apparently i've used enough of my phone for them to allow me to change my phone in *drumroll* ONE DAY ! which means actually, i can pick up my new phone.. and like, when i come back to melb i probably am gonna go pick up my new phone (;


ok, bai.

may the force be with doctor bunnii,

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