math (i know, i SHOULD be able to do it. but i can't. sue me) was getting me really frustrated. i can't seem to do anything. *sigh*
and it all seems really frustrating. doesn't help that my bruise that came frm blood donating still hurts like hell. i accidentally whacked it that day when i was pulling my keyboard from the com table to my bed. one week later, my good deed is treating me like hell -_-"

note: this isn't the first time i'm donating blood. but like, the nurse this time was really incompetent. she poked me the first time. are u aware how painful it is to have an inch-long needle pushed up ur arm?
well let me tell u. it hurts.
but for a good deed, a little pain doesn't hurt.
so i began pumping on this pipe-like cylinder for roughly 10minutes. still no blood coming out.
so, they repoked me in a new vein.
that hurt even more =/
and so.. i began pumping again.
after 5 minutes, another nurse (i'm thinking she's the sister) came and told the nurse attending to me that she poked me wrong. so, she increased the pressure on my left arm and started jiggling the needle around. omg. that REALLY HURT. !@#$% i almost felt like screaming at the incompetent nurse that jabbed me in the first place. but she's kinda sweet.. and looked kinda apologetic so i kept my mouth shut.
note to those who are gonna donate blood.
actually WEIGH urself before u donate blood. i was kinda lazy to weigh myself so i gave them a weight. any weight. and the weight i decided to give them was the weight i was at my heaviest.
big mistake *smacks myself on head*
i ended up feeling reallllllllly woozy the entire day coz i think i donated more blood then was good for me. and i was walking around like some retarded fool the entire day coz my arm was way too painful to be held straight =.=
didn't help that roughly 10minutes after i donated blood and i was telling steve that it hurt he whacked the blood soaked cotton bud taped to my injection point. juz for fun. juz to see my reaction. *rolls eyes*
juz a random piece of information: a person usually donates one pint of blood which roughly equals 16 ounces which roughly equals 470ml. 1 quart = 2pints. so tehrefore, i'm gonna eat 2times of wat i donated. haha.
anyway... one and a half weeks later. it is still bruised. and it still hurts. and i'm still grumpy coz i've got tonnes of math to understand.
thank god there's always baskins.
and shopping.
and baskins. =)
may the force be with bruised good-deed-doers...
whee~i heart baskins too=)i can see it's rum raisin??am i rite??
you poor thing la,*hugs* the bruise looks like it hurts like hell.wanted to donate too but mal and sun-j wouldn't let me=)afraid that i faint again..lol..
can't wait to get back to penang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but i still have to wait a month
hey babe.. lol
yeshh of course it's rum raisin!! yummmm.. and pralines and cream mmmm
heaven is right here. at this moment. hahaha
it's almost gone d. the bruise. *phew*
actually.. stelex told me not to donate =) but wth. i never listen to them anyway. hahaha
yay! pg.. 16 more days.. here i come!!
when i go back life will be one giant party.. my sister back in pg d! yay!!!! then lin they all coming back tooooooooooo =)
baskin's banana split is ze best!! *GRIN*
yippie! you guys are FINALLY coming back after so long... -_-
hope your bruise will get better dear.. =)
my guess is u shared it wid a certain someone?? lol
i much prefer the brownie sundae. zomg. fantabulous. yea.. the bruise is finally almost gone. i can't believe it. incompetent asses. why do i ALWAYS seem to meet imcompetent nurses? *faint*
can't wait to meet up wid u again babe. muah
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