and, so i have.
this is the story of how i got the gymball.
went to pyramid. first gymball's price was RM72 but discounted to RM52.
was thinking of buying RM50 gymball. kinda weird, but some gymballs don't come with pumps. -_-"
anyway, took gymball to counter where there was this promotion.
hsbc credit card users get 20% off.
do i have a credit card? NO
but old lady and friends who wanted to buy a pair of sneakers did.
and they had to spend above a certain amount and needed RM20 more to be eligible for the discount.
i got my gymball for 20% off to become RM39.90
took it home to pump.
an hour later. i'm still pumping the ball.
and no, pls dont' confuse that with humping the ball, like one of my perverted friends said -_-"
its kinda small. and underpumped still. i shall work on making it better tomorrow. when my biceps aren't aching so much.
noticed something weird bout my gymball. tis like a binomial curve.
its volume increases till a certain point.. then it starts decreasing.
or maybe its just my tired muscles complaining.

that's half an hour into pumping

and this is, the sortof final product an hour later
anyway, chie insisted on naming the ball.
dont' ask me why.
somehow, that conversation ended up with us talking bout the two tortoises we used to own. till they became carnivores and we gave it to our neighbours whom (we found out later) chucked them into some lake. *lol*
gumken cheeballs
don't ask me how it ended up that way.
i was after all, in std. 3. and not particularly bright.
name however, does sound wrong. especially since, it sounds an awful lot like ken's name O_o
luckily i've chucked those tortoises.
anyway, gymball's name is gumball.
how original.
may the force be with gumball,
dont' ask me why.
somehow, that conversation ended up with us talking bout the two tortoises we used to own. till they became carnivores and we gave it to our neighbours whom (we found out later) chucked them into some lake. *lol*
gumken cheeballs
don't ask me how it ended up that way.
i was after all, in std. 3. and not particularly bright.
name however, does sound wrong. especially since, it sounds an awful lot like ken's name O_o
luckily i've chucked those tortoises.
anyway, gymball's name is gumball.
how original.
may the force be with gumball,
jien, ur gymball does look like a jawbreaker lol and if only its multi-coloured haha ok im fasting now i should stop talking abt food *drools*
lol u better believe its a jawbreaker. actually not. more like an arm breaker O_o
u're gonna kill urself talking bout food while fasting =p
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