anyway. i deviate.
my ski trip. that's the whole point. so.. ladies and gentlemen, welcome to lake mountains.
so, me, co and madison went to frank's and carmen's around 9.30. went for some hongkong styled breakfast. zomg! hongkies eat super a lot!! the breakfast came with some beef noodles AND toast, egg and bacon. that's more than my usual lunch! O_o
lake mountains stuff is kinda cheap. we rented five toboggans and three sets of skis for only 85 dollars! and the ski pass was like 15bucks per person or something like that. according to my bro, this place is better than mt. buller coz it's not so well known so not so packed and its nearer to the city. hence us driving there.
up on the mountains, night falls realy fast. it was like 5plus but it was SO dark. we went back to the cottage we were staying at for steamboat dinner. i super *heart* the cottage. it's so homely with two bedrooms, a kitchen and living room for guests. they even served breakfast of toast, eggs, bacon and mushrooms! but backtrack to dinner first. zomg. the other four i was with eat SUPER a lot!
the cottage is really homely and quaint but couldn't really sleep coz too bruised already. LOL.
anyway, next morning we had to rush back coz they needed to help me move house to carnegie.
but of course, we went out to take a few photos first.

anyway, we rushed back. i packed my stuff, we went to pick jien, dropped our stuff at carnegie, went to ikea, went for dinner, went to coles and then they dropped me home where i unpacked and rushed out to meet lin, roshan, chong wen and mz. lolz. what a breathful -_-
still in the midst of unpacking. my room's becoming semi-livable now.
two more days to my big too-oh! oohs. i can't wait!! *giggles*
may the force be with smurfs becoming older,
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