Monday, October 29, 2007

we're a metaphor in the end

have you ever reached the point in your life where you're just too tired to feel?

i'm unfortunately, seemingly at that point.
missed the train to uni making me late-ish for my paper.. plus i have no idea what i was actually doing for that paper.. nothing from the tutorials or sample papers came out.. but, as i left and begun walking home, it was all just kind of a blur. yes, a blur, even with the half an hour of swatting flies out of my face.
which, if you know me, is really weird coz i'm a rather high-strung sort of person..

women, we think too much.
but, its just what we do.
and, those who can follow our chain of thoughts will definitely benefit..

omg, random thought: i think flies are attracted to my soap/lotion/perfume/hair products. i seem to be attracting loads of them. curse the summer ! i want the winter back.. X(

anyway, moving on to new addictions..

it's the cutest comic and the link can be found at the bottom of my page.. under boredom: the desire for desires

siblings always were a pain..

so kewt right !
i've SO addicted chie to it (;

may the force be with frozenrealities,

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