Monday, August 04, 2008

angels and devils

i'm officially twenty one and i had a fabulous time =D

started out my weekend at VII.
it was the angel and devil themed night and can be seen, i went as a devil (;

saturday was spent at my bro's.. watched rocky balboa and then we went to Edward Scissorhands - the musical. it wasn't bad.. although a bit weird coz there's no singing and stuff.. it's like a very extended dance. wicked was still better but thanks to my big brother for taking me to the musical =D

they (my bro, madison, enghoe and nelly) took me home where they surprised me with a cake !
and lo and behold, my housemates too came out with twenty-one cupcakes! teehee, thanks ppl =D

my twenty one cupcakes that could smile at me =)

from my family's side

my housemates - ken, jien, vin and ivan

nelly and eng hoe

my bro and madison

ken lighting the candles

cutting the cake and..

trying to fish the candle out with my mouth where yea, the usual happened.
video of me having my face smashed into a cake (first time courtesy of madison and the second by my bro, lol) below

headed MercaDante last night for dinner with some friends. had a combined party with matthew, who's also born on aug 3rd, lol.

the organiser - jien lim! thanks babe, so much! =D

me and matty.. and our cakes

me and my mango gateau, courtesy of davis and guan =)

and... homer simpson decided to join in too, lol

twenty one ! though it looks like i'm saying i'm twelye, lol!

hers and his

group shot =)


davis, pei shan and jien

cal and ej

him trying not to be associated with us, lol

bri and ej

we then adjourned to the lounge


josh and jason

jee keng, pei shan and davis


wilson and cal


ivan and matthew

jee and pei shan

and look who turned up! LOL
thanks for taking the time dude =D

thanks everyone for making it a blast. and for taking the time to make it a really memorable twenty first =) i had a great time and really, it couldn't have been any better (;
cept maybe if fatty was here, hmm, but still he stayed as long as he could.

and of course for like.. all the presents, teehee, i always liked presents =p

and for all the wishes and stuff, meloves so much !

may the force be with the sweet souls who made my twenty-first such a blast,

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