i hurt. a lot.
see i finally have something to blog about. i didn't really want to blog this coz my feet aren't particularly pretty but mama vin suggested (insisted actually) i blog about this so here is my finally, newest, latest entry.
anyway, yea, i attended this career fair thing hosted by my uni which was held in the clayton campus (for those of you that dont' know, i study in the caulfield campus and clayton's like.. i don't know.. a half an hour bus ride away)
so, back to story. career fare. nothing much about it there except i stayed a little longer than i should have and i had to hurry back in time to catch my tute. my AUDITING tute.
yes, it's auditing, and really important and therefore imperative i attend.
and like, 1km away (i'm probably exaggerating but it felt like that) i saw the uni shuttle bus turning a corner and if i miss that bus, i'm gonna miss class. so i RAN to the bus stop. yes, i ran. in a pair of freaking uncomfortable heels and for a freaking damn far distance.
don't ask me why i didn't just stop and go barefoot or just skip class.
i can't skip auditing coz it's auditing.
and i didn't think about the whole barefoot thing. probably coz i was laden down with my graduate programme books.
upon reflection, i should have just dumped everything. coz it isn't worthed the pain.
and therefore, i am blistered. and damn miserable. it effing hurts.
it was soooooo painful i almost cried when kenneth asked me to meet him a couple of blocks away and WALK down stairs to get jien's phone. i didn't make it down the stairs, haha.
i took a cab home coz this effing hurts too much to have to make the long half an hour trek back home from uni, rwar.
and almost died when i washed my feet to get out all the dirt and stuff. it. was.. like.. throwing spirit on an open wound. feels like anyway. i've tried that before.
i have not yet figured out how i'm gonna sleep tonight. darren found it hilarious. i think. i'm not sure if he was laughing at my ielts photo or at my feet. vin wants to know how i actually sleep tonight.
i'm not sure either.

may the force be with my poor blistered feet,
p/s: physical pain's good for the soul i think. i read somewhere that it makes you feel alive. or maybe makes you focus on other.. areas. agree?
sickening painful!!!
what is with everyone and pain now? menn got tattoo.. u got yourself a blister..
taje care of yourself la girl! Don't you dare get all of us worried! me lovey u! =D
hahaa, i DIDN'T purposely get myself the blister ! it was in the process of running for the damn bus !
lol but i skipped class today ! too painful to walk to uni ! =(
it got infected, rwar !
teehee i love youtoo babe (;
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