Thursday, June 11, 2009

panic mode: ON

so exams start next tuesday.
exam schedule is as such:
16th - international banking and finance
17th - auditing
19th - treasury management
23rd - advanced financial accounting and practices

am.. so so screwed. and yes, i'm blogging (whee) coz i'm on my break.
so so sooooo stressed X(

i wish i had a higher retention rate but wth, slog it out for two more weeks

this is the current state of my room X(
BOTH tables are strewn with notes, text books, journals and notes.
yes, its a bit hard maneuvering round everything but i'll manage.

and if you look carefully you'll see a box of strepsils on my table. did i mention i'm horribly sick (again)?
meh, i hate melbourne weather changes. i get sick EVERY SINGLE TIME, grr.

wish me luck people !
and much thanks to those who called to check in on me or messaged or generally, are just there for me (;
even a simple 'good luck' makes me feel much happier (even if its for a fleeting moment or two)

c'mon jien, guan, yina and those whom are finishing this sem ! time to go out with a bang (;

may the force be with this last stretch,

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