Monday, May 25, 2009


so now i'm finally in the mood to blog about my first ever CIRQUE DU SOLEIL: DRALION

so, dralion was the most fantastic show i've watched this year. tonnes better than v-fest or trance energy, rofl.
for the uninitiated, dralion's the currently touring show of cirque du soleil which is basically a really fancy circus.

some clips of dralion for those of you who want to see why i've been gushing about this for so long.

seriously, if u're in melb, i strongly recommend you go check it out !

anyway some photos from outside the tent (no photos/videos allowed during the show, obviously)

checking out the souvenir shop

finally bought some stuff, yay !

mad and i with our souvenirs, rofl. i know mine's a bit off but dralion = lion

us both waiting in line to go use toilets during the intermission, lol

at the optus tent

i had a blast there.
i swear i spent the next few hours after the show just grinning like an idiot.

may the force be with dralion,

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