refreshing yet a bit... boring.
so what have i been up to since my last post ?
that was.. great ocean road with my sister =)
she left on wed so i was busy spending time with her till then.
thursday.. thursday jien, kenneth, darren and i were bored so we headed to the city and decided to visit the old melbourne gaol ! and wilson came along for the ride coz he was already at rmit and yea, rmit's courtyard is actually part of the old melbourne gaol.

there was this reenactment of ned kelly's case at the magistrate's court.
it was.. really lame coz it was like all volunteers.
we also went to this whole 'jail experience' thing where they give u a chance to experience how it would be like to be thrown into jail.
basically.. the sargeant yells at you, makes you stand in lines against the wall, puts us into cells and then.. they turn off the lights leaving us stranded in the dark for 5 minutes.
went to have dinner at the blue train cafe with jennifer and james, roshan and vong later on. headed to crown for a while after that where roshan won like 30bucks from a ONE DOLLAR modal, rwar !
friday was spent in the city for a while and then to VII to celebrate nick's 22nd birthday. some photos from VII.

saturday i TRIED to go row boats with jien and kenneth but it was so crazy windy it was almost impossible to even walk, yet alone row boats.
lol to the numerous ones of you who kept laughing at me for wanting to go row boats with the 'typhoon' going on, lol, yes yes i know, the wind was crazy and yes, it was impossible to go row boats =(
and.. bubbles for a while. lol, i nvr realised it took almost half an hour to walk to chillipadi from southern cross. damn retarded walking so far to eat then walking back to bubbles. lol, thankschu wilson for following me back to southern cross and then walking back in the rain =D
SUNDAY i finally got to go row boats ! LOL ! not really.. boats perse. more sampan than anything else.
but but so sad, sunday not many people could make it. hehe, and nick decided to come along to 'celebrate his birthday' with us, lol. thankfully actually. more ppl, more fun. jien and i were so super retarded at rowing the boat, it was a good thing wilson decided to come along too.
it was heaps fun though. even if it started raining sometime in the middle. totally worthed it. it was super beautiful there. boating at the river is something totally different, and super scenic.

nick and wilson handed the rowing fine. jien and i on the other hand.. didn't handle it too well. hahaa, had a few near collisions with branches that were sticking out of the middle of the river.

and you could picnic on the boat too =)
twas superbly fun. after i got back had dinner with ken and jien at ling nam =)
headed to nick's after for his houseparty.
spent yesterday with wilson for a bit since he headed off to europe last night. dinner with vong and yes, that basically sums up my life at the moment.
haha, and an end to my 72 hour redbull marathon. hehe, gonna go back rest a while again. and finish watching my season of reaper.
and i realise super long post !
and i wasted almost two hours on this, i finished my laundry and i had lunch. whoopee.
may the force be with rocking the world,
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