Wednesday, July 08, 2009

when all that's left is you

everyone has left !
my sister just left this morning, vin just left 15 minutes ago.. so did her parents.
suddenly my house is not a bustling hive of activity and noise.
davis went back to singapore to work.
a friend might head back to malaysia for good.
and this winter break is a break full of uncertainty and foggy futures.

i realise, as we grow up, more and more often, as we reach different phases of our lives, everytime we say goodbye to a person, there might be a high possibility that we might not see the person again for a long time to come. and i realise, everytime we say goodbye, we miss the person more than we should.

anyway, yea, went up to GOR with my sister on monday so here are some photos of the breathtaking scenery.

at apollo bay

at the apollo bay hotel for lunch. super loving the giant fireplace!

12 apostles

sister attempting to catch the reflection of the 12 apostles in my sunnies

my favourite-st sister!

next stop was gibsons steps!

starfish pic

emo shot =p

and the loch and gorge

great ocean road is an AWESOME place to visit for PHOTO-TAKING opportunities. EVERY scene looks like it was pasted out of a postcard. mind you, NONE of this pics are photoshopped. imagine that (;

the journey up however is RETARDEDLY long. 4 hours of driving, zzz.

have to say, the whole system for obtaining PRs and stuff is pretty blah too. meh.
makes life so troublesome.
i DON'T qualify, sobs. and spending hours in immigration departments and migration lawyers offices is not appeasing my temper.


may the force be with those that need it (you know who you are),

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