or at least part of it.
so, as a continuation of my old post, headed to sydney after my birthday dinner. meaning i slept a total of.. like.. an hour before calvin was waking me up to go avalon.
something super retarded we did. five of us went to syd from melb (ok, maybe not jon) but we ALL flew in at different times. like wtf right?
anyway, back to my entry. where was i? oh, right. cal and i reached syd at like 8am so we decided to go circular quay to have breakfast and aquarium after.
i know, sydney and off i am dragging cal to the aquarium? with all our bags and stuff. LOL can't help it. motel room wasn't opened yet and.. i like aquariums !
anyway, photo photo !

an onward to the aquarium where the first cab driver we took tried to kill calvin.

he meant cute. i took it as sea cow. LOL
we headed home to sleep after that while waiting for jon and bri to make their appearance. which when they did, we headed to chinatown.
a word to the wise. don't try asian food in sydney. its.. bad to say the least.

and finally, the last member of our party arrived. we went to a pub for some drinks first and then.. onward to mamak, the awesome-est mamak food in aus i've ever tried. but the queue is crazy long ! think VII/eve queues. outside a mamak. lol.

anyway, that's day 1. more on sydney another time.
till then,
cheers ppl.
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