i have to say it was awesomeness.
chie came back to melby to celebrate it with me. super sweet of her right?
i ♥ my sister !
anyway, went to dandenongs with the family on sat but it started to rain! *sobs* so trip was cut short *grumble*

sunday we headed to melba at the langham hotel for the most awesome international buffet i have ever eaten in my life. and when i got home there was this giant bear and a bear photo frame for me. dinner and a bear and a photo frame from my siblings *melts*
i ♥ my siblings and madison !

coming home, i was bumming around in my room when i got a message from jien telling me to go downstairs. so.. i went downstairs to see my housemates there.. with mango cheese cake ! MMM, meloves! my housemates also gave me an

pardon the.. oily face and bad hair. i got caked X(
i still ♥ my housemates though.

woke up the nxt morning all excited coz i attended the star wars convention ! LOL i know, super geek coming out. but still, it was.. interesting =D
i.. will not put photos from the scienceworks museum up coz its just too many.
dinner with friends tomorrow ! it'll be excitingly BIG and.. messy ! i think.
i ♥ my friends. can't wait.
may the force be with the double two,
Star Wars Convention!!!!????
Any slave Leias around? Were you one? Inquiring minds want to know.
gah. no. it wasn't a cosplay ! missed the opening day already Lol
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