so now that its all over (my birthday that is) a proper proper update about what i did and what i've been up to.
so, the party itself was a blast. so awesome that everyone i invited turned up :)
also thankschus to my kulis of the day.. my family, wilson and maddie's mum. lol ! don't know what i'll hv done without them.
madison baked me a cake.. supposedly with nancy's help but by time nancy reached around 3 the cake was already all done ! just needed the candles but the cake looked awesome - and tasted awesome to boot. thanks ;)
both of us dealt with the menu of the day aside from the bbq and deep fried stuff and i believe it was a success, teehee.
bbq boys were really cham all night - my bro and wilson barely ate coz they spent all their time cooking.
some photos from the night. the rest can be seen on my fb acc under choco bears attack!

tiffany and cos necklace, jammies, jackets, chef's blowtorch, lingerie, shoes, candles, etc. etc.
we headed to lavish after that.. yawns, i'm too old for these kinda things! teehee.
nxt day spent the WHOLE day cleaning up T_T parties aren't easy yo. lotsa cleanup *cries*
but then again with my army of kulis behind me it got all done up i guess. my poor bro and maddie.. at least i had the next day off. and the day after.. and the day after that.. lol !
also, had... to lug our trash to the yongs coz there wasn't enough place in our bin ! T_T
spent monday in, having my hair cut! LOL its now super short and according to lotsa ppl i know look like an anime character. wilson says i now look like nico robin. lol, sigh. i really don't know if that is a good thing or not.

he made me do a treasure hunt for my present at 12midnight. twas kinda fun but i realise i'm none too smart-i can't solve riddles! if gollum ever caught me (ala bilbo baggins style) i'll defo die k ! lol
he gave me a marcs jacket, aww *heart*
watched predators on tues and then dinner at comme, some french/spanish fusion restaurant.

i just got back from daylesford - went to the choco mill, the spa and lakehouse. actually wanted to go to some lakes and parks around that area but started raining NON stop. meh. oh well, still an awesome awesome day.

plenty of chocolate and a relaxing spa later, i'm back in pt cook and i'm well satisfied :)
thanks baby.. twas awesome.
also thankschus to all my friends and family.
woo, chie's coming down nxt week to celebrate my birthday coz she couldn't come down last week or this coz she's working (my birthday lasts THAT long, i know! its awesome)
CANNOT wait, mwah ha ha! MORE PRESENTS, whee !
may the force be with greedy bears,
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