Thursday, October 05, 2006

medicated baby heads

and, so, after a week of gruelling torture (9am - 3am with a few hours break in between for meals), i finally finished my accounts assignment. and just on time *phew*
despite the many setbacks like:
  • not knowing how to use the accounting software.. thank god yoko helped us find our mistakes and corrected it for us
  • not knowing how to post my journals and stuff to my ledgers.. and there, there was ezie who let me refer to hers
  • having to rewrite all 82 pages of it as i decided not to be lazy and leave my assignment in pencil (that WAS my draft and i initially planned on handing in my pencil-written assignment); 164pages worthed of writing is no joke. someone, massage my right hand.. please! =( *lol*
  • finding that i posted my account as a gain instead of a loss and having to correct the whole effing thing at 12am, 12 hours before my assignment was due.
  • having a crazy-ass long queue at the binding shop with all the slacker accounting students (so what if i'm one of them? =P) that waited till the last possible minute to get our projects binded. the queue was until OUTSIDE the shop, no kidding. luckily jason lined up.. so really, all i needed to do was come back when he made it to the front to get my project binded *lol* and of course, in the proces, skip the whole 25minutes of queueing =p
despite all that, sarah, jason and i still managed to get our assignments in at 11.45 (assignment due at 12) and even cin vin, (the other) jien and dickson got their assignments in before dr. kevin low stopped collecting. thankfully he gave a leeway of like, 15minutes.

on another painful note, the new pair of shoes i bought last week gives me blisters. ouchie =(
although they DO look nice =)
i guess for vanity, i shall not mind suffering a bit.

they have horrigible grip though. or maybe i'm just klutzy. probably a little bit of both. meh.
and i have the most fantastic bruise to show for it. double ouchie.
at least i fell near a door (so i had something to catch on to) and there weren't THAT many people around to watch me do it *lol*
although, it didn't hurt till i finished rushing up to the labs to print my work, bind it and pass it up.

life sucks when u're in a rush *grumble*

they're having a blood donation drive again. was thinking of donating till i remembered that i donated too recently to donate again. oh well. i shall do my good deed some other time.

so, in the mean time, while i'm in pain and suffering from serious lack of sleep, i shall hibernate. this is the third day in the row cin vin has commented on my eyebags. which really, doesn' tmake a difference... coz she and dickson have been commenting on my panda-ish looks since the day i met them. *lol*

may the force be with hibernating smurfettes,


HanieHyde said...

LOL u know what, i was doing the accountings thingy from the early hours in the morning til the last minute in front of the blood donation drive thingy, and i was thinking of letting them drain me to death so i didnt have to pass up the assignment hahaha thank God we managed to hand it in although there's slim hope of surviving it hahahaha

| j-ann* | said...

lol. there's always hope. maybe *crosses fingers real hard* we'll manage to get semi-good results to make up for the reputedly horrible first assignment ones... then less work needed to pass the sub *lol*