Friday, April 27, 2007


ever sit back and think back on when you were young?
life seemed so simple then. ask me what my ambition was and i'll quip 'oh, i'm going to be a successful doctor, specialise by time i'm 30. i'll be successful and rich.'
every person's dream, yea?

somehow or other, everything got sidetracked.

i think, in life, if you graph its functions, it'll all end up a normal curve.

that, fyi, is a normal curve. if you don't know it, go look through your old math books.

intelligence, in my opinion, figures that way too. you keep getting smarter till you reach the peak, then everything goes downhill from there.
see, i peaked ages ago. nowhere to go but down now.
seriously, you can actually feel yourself become stupider as the seconds tick by.

when you're young, what do they say? life's an oyster or something?
full of dreams and hopes, the future, it's all so bright, but they, whoever they are, always forget to mention one thing.

life gets in the way.

so maudlin. will cheer this post with a bit of humour. ok, fine, so it's not humour perse. but its still cool.

also, check out starwars gangster rap. it's worthed the watch.

my marketing midterm results came out today. sigh.
gotta start working harder.

may the force be with glumbert,

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

appreciate the irony.

this post is really a request by vin so i shall dedicate it to her.

first things first, the present: good charlotte on sat. it was erm.. like any other concert. we went a little late so we were like at the back of the throng. up point, it's more windy. down point, you can't see anything at all. and yea, height issue here, i'm too damn short to see past everyone.
so, good charlotte concert really equates to watching their concert on tv. with obviously, lots of screaming and jumping thrown in. no photos. wasn't in the mood (yea, be shocked. i have my non-photo days too) so no camwhoring by me.

opening acts by estranged, one buck short and lo were pretty damn good. and as embarassing as this sounds, i actually knew more of lo's songs than i did of good charlotte's. lol. and i was there for the good charlotte concert O_o
yea, very obvious i'm a lo fan right? lol
veejays were pretty entertaining too.. utt, denise keller and two others were there. wows.
we headed to AC for dinner after that (yea, i know dinner at 1am doesn't really count as dinner.. *shrugs) but i was too stoned to eat.
see, luna the day before and then good charlotte.. lol was just too tired to eat.

before any of you complain bout my terrible eating habits, i shall come in defense of myself. i eat. just not at normal times coz i'm too lazy to grub for food and my stove and other cooking stuffs is like.. 8 floors down.

went shopping with wen just now. bought a pair of jeans from mng. they look really good. or at least i think they do. the mirrors in mng are deceiving. after i wear it out and check myself out in a normal mirror, i might realise that my ass really DOES look fat in it and all my cash goes to waste. and at that point in time, i shall just die of anorexia. boo. no i won't. i love food too much.
lol. wen bought this most darling top from mng as well. i might borrow it someday. *teehee

ok. now i backtrack to a couple of weeks ago. which, is really the point of the post.
vin, jien's and dickson's trip down to penang.

vin wants some reminders bout the trip and hence, i'm stuck here blogging about it.
blogger's being a real bitch today as well so its taking ages for photos to upload.

that's dickson, jien and vin on their journey down. you can't see but they're actually tonnes of pillows and toys.. vin travels with LOADS of huggables. lol. lucky they drove. imagine her on the bus.. rofl

they're terrible ok.. kept on trying to play pranks on me.. like call me at the most ungodly hour telling me they're arriving, letting me rush to try to give them directions THEN they tell me they're still in subang.. then calling me to tell me they haven't left yet at around 2pm, let me make some plans for lunch THEN receive a call for them that they ARE arriving and hey, i've gotta cancel my plans.. again! smack them. lol

anyway, they arrived and we went for lunch at psc and we headed for a tour around pg after that. jien's first time in my lovely lil tuckedaway island, see? first up on the hastily put together itenary: sleeping buddha temple.
random temple shots. (cw from top left) with the sleeping buddha, at some pondish thingy, walking around the garden where vin totally fails at looking like she's trying to hide behind the tree and finally, a picture by the wishing pond.
had our fortunes told. all of us have seriously bad karma. jien was compared to a lost chicken, dickson to a dumb not knowing anything, i think me and vin are gonna be unlucky in love but we don't have any ridiculous metaphors though..

(unrelated note) remember in one of my previous posts, i mentioned posting on how to do the kawaii? yea, this is it.. me and my friends making a fool out of ourselves.
no dead bunny pose.. we forced dickson to have a dead bunny pose but out of respect for his rep, i'll not post it here. lol.

we headed to the toy museum after that..
this is one of the display shelves..
toy museum brings back a lot of memories.. visited it with lin and jo couple years back and i do miss those two girls.
lol! present and past.
on the left's jien and vin. lol jien looks afraid of vin. hahaa.
and yea. on the right's me and lin when we visited couple years back. give me a break. i used to look really retarded, i know. *lol


went to gurney for a bit coz there's aircon there. we ended up shopping where we bought this more darling shimmer blusher from elianto. headed up to bt. feringghi for dinner and shop around after that.
this is when i learnt vin has the most unique nose ever. when she's tired, it'll run. when she's sleepy, it'll run. actually.. it just runs, period. lol.
anyway, they really just bought tonnes of cds. much cheaper in pg than in kl, see?

they were kinda tired so we skipped the beach and i took them to eat leng chee kang. lol
as was customary, i passed on red bean, sweet potatoes and all those other ucky things that shud never be in leng chee kang, and vin followed suit. jien being jien, just ordered it as it was. was really hilarious seeing her picking slowly thru her leng chee kang. *lol*

headed home where we cleaned up and played monopoly for a bit. stopped midway thru coz they're sore losers. teehee. actually... nah. they were just tired. dickson and i more or less ruled the entire board. vin had no land and jien had patches of land. lol. bad karma day for them.

they went to sleep after that while i went to read a bit. lol. pity them. they left this REALLY large space in the middle for me to sleep but i dozed off on the couch so really, they squashed against the sides of the bed for no reason. lol.
woke up super early to see the princess before i left back to kl so, actually, i barely slept that day.

breakfasting at my place. they look blur coz they all just woke up. i always look blur.

went to pick wen (who followed us back to kl) and went for lunch at fattyloh's.
yea, it's the best chicken rice in pg for good reason.
we so totally pigged out there.

on our journey back to kl when vin, jien and wen finally woke up (;

too bad they couldn't stay for longer. vin had some wedding dinner to attend so we had to rush back so that we could reach kl before 5pm. we actually didn't coz it was pouring the entire journey back so dickson couldn't go fast.

anyway.. gotta wake up for my 8am law class tomorrow.. night, ppl!

mini addons:
birthday shoutouts to all my april baby friends..
to asher, hope you enjoyed your birthday =)
also to sara, lin and sohan and last but not least,
one of my favourite darlings, sonia. rock on, babe. stay sober. *lol*

i'll never laugh at jason for leaving his pendrive in the com labs ever again.
the irony of it.. i left mine the same time he did.
bought a 1gb one to replace. blessing in disguise. it's like triple the storage capacity of my old one.
will post photos on the good charlotte concert, the hotlink balloon parade and (more) photos on luna as soon as vin and jason and jien send the photos to me.

spoke to my little sister yesterday. oh wows, she's SO matured. and such a little diplomat as well (;
i asked her what she wanted for her birthday and she told me "i want everyone in the family to attend *pause* but if you all can't make it, i don't mind an early birthday present"


may the force be with mtvasia,

Saturday, April 21, 2007

tokey nokey tokey nokey

handed up money and capital yesterday! comes an end to the super stressful week and it ended up with a bang too =D

headed down to pyramid with jien and jason after we handed up our assignment to go BOWLING.
yes, i know, my bowling sucks, but hey i got a strike ok! jien chia-ed us ice-creams after. whee =)
remind me to SO never wear shorts when you go bowling.. and to bring your own socks.. coz.. like... the socks provided there look SO retarded. lol. that, coupled with their crappy looking bowling shoes and my shorts looks so weird. lol. oh, right, that and gotta remember to cut my nails.. my nail broke! ouch! =(

headed home after that. nightfall and after numerous phone calls and some rapid planning, we headed to luna bar. dickson, vin and i met jason and jien at luna where, thankfully we managed to get a window seat. prob coz by time we reached it was already 12 so the tables were clearing up.. so relaxing to just sit back, chill, play games and *cough* uncover secrets

oh, and in case you ppl were wondering bout the weird blog title, it's one of the games we played last night =)

yesterday was a bad makeup day for me =/ so, i look rather.. retarded in most of my photos *sigh

there are tonnes of photos.. a hundred plus.. but they're mostly of jason and vin camwhoring. lol. posted the ones i look ok in. lol.

vin, me, jason, jien and dickson.
in this pic, vin looks so innocent! and look at jien's dimples! love her dimples. (;

vin, me and jien.. you can't see the view (my cam's not too good) but it's really beautiful..

vin looks like she's trying to sneak into the pic. lol

again, vin, me and jien. girls are good at having their pictures taken (;

random collection of photos.. rest upon request =)

luna was tonnes of fun. a bit ex, but tonnes of fun nevertheless. and.. look, jien! no lovebite (;
will be heading good charlotte later. tickets arrived yesterday =)

may the force be with relaxing and enjoyable weekends after a killer week,

Friday, April 20, 2007


yum yum. ej bought me cuppacakes!!
yay! so sweet of her =D

super stressful week. presentation went.. pretty badly coz i accidentally ommited an entire part. lol.
mkw midterm was much harder than i was led to believe it would have been. *sigh
and.. by rights, i'm supposed to finish my money cap assgt now coz it's due tomorrow...

but i'm finding it more fun eating cuppacakes in front of vin over the webbie at this ungodly hour coz i know she's hungry. lolol.

and the cuppacakes look, oh, so good (;

other miscellaneous stuff
won 4tics for good charlotte this weekend.. hope they reach kl in time coz the tickets got posted to penang.. and mum had to post them down here... and i'm not sure but i don't think it can possibly reach in two days =(
lol not that i'm actually a fan of good charlotte.. but hey! how often is it we get to glimpse superstarts live? even if we can't really see them due to the crowd and my *cough* height issue it's being THERE that counts, right?

at least i still have cuppacakes. *grin*
back to money cap.

may the force be with cuppacakes..

Monday, April 16, 2007

for the lack of anything better to say

power cut!!

i love my room but i hate living on the 18th floor. had to walk down. me no likey =(

poseidon undersea resort. tis so nice looking! can feed fish and all. i shall go visit there one day.
while i'm at it, i'll try to visit at least half of the listed bizarre hotels listed here before i die.

watched wild hogs with dickson, ej and weichian. its.. dumb. usual slapstick humour fare.

may the force be with the god under the sea,

Thursday, April 12, 2007

on the other hand..

back in kl.

hope vin, jien and dickson enjoyed their 24hours in penang. know dickson probably didn't really coz he missed his manU match. lol.
lucky the weather treated the passengers nice on the way back since it was cloudy and raining the whole 4hours. not for the driver coz he couldn't sleep though. lolol

my time zones are all whacked. slept at 9pm, woke at 2am, went back to sleep at 6.30am, woke up at 11am, headed to uni *cough to do assignment and now i'm back here, zoning between extreme exhaustion and awareness.
must remind myself to invest in a decent umbrella so that i don't get soaked everytime i walk back from uni.
will post the photos we took in pg as soon as i get them from vin.
headed to laundry for a bit to check up the local band scene. it was.. ok. lol. sound system wasn't all that great.

oh. changed blog title. 'Life Through My Eyes' was getting kinda common and it also's the blog title for some dodgy-sounding blog.
not that i KNOW it's dodgy. just the impression i got.
oh, and not ONLY bimbos like pink. read the previous post carefully. heck, i know a couple of brilliant girls who adore pink. and if they're bimbos, i'm a cow. seriously.
so, please, no more complaints about my not so diplomatic posts.

stumbled upon this: Nerdy Attractiveness Scale
i find this kinda cute. don't really understand it but its cute. i think.

oh, and the parcel arrived. bit prematured but it's also opened already. glad he likes it =)

may the force be with the weather..

Monday, April 09, 2007


oohs. they're coming!! really really coming! jason isn't but one of vin's friends might be coming in his place.


can't wait.

may the force be with cloudy but non-rainy days...

Sunday, April 08, 2007

spontaneous roadtrip

not too sure, but MAYBE, just maybe(!) cinvin, dickson, jien and jason are coming down to penang.

it's really confusing at the moment -_-"

it was very spontaneous and like, this kinda spontaneous trips? they either turn out or they don't.

still.. *wriggles with excitement
it'll be great if they do.
won't be the typical midsem break that way.

better start planning where to take them.. actually, lol, no big debate. probably just the beach since bars, clubs and malls are out of the question. them kl ppl have like double the choice and the quality over in their muddy land*1.

and i got transport back to kl too! if they come that is *grin

btw, to you peeps in pg.. i'll be back till wed! whee.

my beautiful, rather out of the way, not to lively, little island;
penang, the pearl of the orient

may the force be with roadtrips,

*1 i take jibes at them coz i'm sure if they come down, they're gonna ALL be commenting on penang drivers. i don't like it when they do. i AM a penang driver. meh.
*2 photo taken from godknowswhere. no photocredit. dont' blame me.
*3 previous similar post was removed due to my contemplation whether they were coming. due to the fact that it seems slightly more favourable (now) that they might, post has been edited and reposted.

Friday, April 06, 2007

passing time

i am a starwars fan.

it is a statement of fact.

i have been and will always be a starwars fan.

note, being a starwars fan should never be confused with being a trekkie fan. i dislike startrek with a vengeance.

yes, i realise i have just confessed to my geek-hood and forever doomed my reputation to.. geek. *shrugs
i'll live. it provides some other form of entertainment that doesn't involve money and alchohol.

have just spent the last hour plus watching an asciimation of parts of the last/first three episodes. it's a very different way of watching movies. lol

am so gonna die trying to wake up for my 8.30 class.

linkin park's new single has just hit the shelves. oohs. i lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove them. teehee. so crazy over their song 'what i've done'

happy easter!!

may the force be with easter bunnies..

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Game on the left's
Ticket to Ride, Europe
while the one
below(mozilla) or right(IE)'s
Hoity Toity

so basically, we're bored of clubs and bars, there are only THAT many times one can go catch a movie, hanging out in your room/uni/hostel's out of the question and not doing anything after an 8pm friday class is just wrong. dickson asked if we (ej, wen and i) would care to go settlers or mage cafe or whatever its called (it seems to be known by two names.. hmm *shrugs) for a change to routine and so yea, there we were.
anyway, basically its this quaint looking cafe where you just eat and play board games. and they're not your common monopoly games either.. most of the games are imported and they're way fun. yes, sounds geekish but hey, try it sometime and see what i mean. and fine. partial nerd blogging here =p
played taboo for a bit while waiting for our munchies (aka dinner) which is like charades with words. and no drawings. and a squeaker. haha. dickson and i SO kicked ej's and wen's asses.

top row (l-r): clarence, sat (which will henceforth be called leonidas.. don't ask me why) and dickson
bottom (l-r): wen, ej and me
actually, we sort of look like a pagoda *teehee
which was unintentional, fyi.
dudes don't know how to position themselves. lol

played ticket to ride, europe after that. objectives are to finish building railway tracks to fulfil your contracts. i'm bad at this game. but then again, i'm bad at most games *shrugs
clarence and leonidas won, and to my eternal shame (NOT!) they got almost a third more marks than me. teehee.
moved on to hoity toity where the hoity toity master, ryan sat in for most of the game.. probably just to laugh at us girls. anyway, background story of the game's that you're a bunch of snobs and that you just want to show off as many antiques as you can. objective of the game's to steal, auction for, or exhibit your antiques with a few rules thrown in. ej won this game coz obviously, she's the ultimate snob. teehee. (disclaimer: ok, so she's not really a snob in real life *lol)
if you examine the picture (one on the top right) real carefully, you'll see that she's the purple marker at the FAR END. i'm the blue. as can be obviously seen, i'm far away from the finish line but no, i didn't win but i wasn't last either. really i just posted that pic coz my marker can be seen real clear in it =)

and of course, we always have time to camwhore *grin

methinks, we also scared clarence and leonidas. we have to learn to be less noisy. hmm. no. we don't really. by our standards, we're already pretty.. subdued. lol

amazingly, 5hours passed us by without my noticing.
anyway, back to hostel after stopping by at some mamak at ss15 for a drink after that.

after a pathetic 6hour sleep (couldn't sleep after i got back) woke up for my much needed fix of baskins. teehee. was planning to walk to pyramid but met aqel in the uni and he offered to give me a ride. came back for lunch with wen and ej and we headed to klcc after that.

at chillis, sishaing and taiti-ing after.

shopped for roughly 3 hours, had dinner at chillis, then we headed back to pyramid for some sisha and tai ti. went back after that, transport courtesy of dickson yet again. =)

anyway, tis 3am and the smurf is exhausted. been operating for too long on too little sleep. that an my energy level is at rock bottom and i never have an energy reserve.

ooh.. and tis april fool's day! watch out, people!

may the force be with rumraisin smurfcakes,