Sunday, April 08, 2007

spontaneous roadtrip

not too sure, but MAYBE, just maybe(!) cinvin, dickson, jien and jason are coming down to penang.

it's really confusing at the moment -_-"

it was very spontaneous and like, this kinda spontaneous trips? they either turn out or they don't.

still.. *wriggles with excitement
it'll be great if they do.
won't be the typical midsem break that way.

better start planning where to take them.. actually, lol, no big debate. probably just the beach since bars, clubs and malls are out of the question. them kl ppl have like double the choice and the quality over in their muddy land*1.

and i got transport back to kl too! if they come that is *grin

btw, to you peeps in pg.. i'll be back till wed! whee.

my beautiful, rather out of the way, not to lively, little island;
penang, the pearl of the orient

may the force be with roadtrips,

*1 i take jibes at them coz i'm sure if they come down, they're gonna ALL be commenting on penang drivers. i don't like it when they do. i AM a penang driver. meh.
*2 photo taken from godknowswhere. no photocredit. dont' blame me.
*3 previous similar post was removed due to my contemplation whether they were coming. due to the fact that it seems slightly more favourable (now) that they might, post has been edited and reposted.

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