life seemed so simple then. ask me what my ambition was and i'll quip 'oh, i'm going to be a successful doctor, specialise by time i'm 30. i'll be successful and rich.'
every person's dream, yea?
somehow or other, everything got sidetracked.
i think, in life, if you graph its functions, it'll all end up a normal curve.
intelligence, in my opinion, figures that way too. you keep getting smarter till you reach the peak, then everything goes downhill from there.
see, i peaked ages ago. nowhere to go but down now.
seriously, you can actually feel yourself become stupider as the seconds tick by.
when you're young, what do they say? life's an oyster or something?
full of dreams and hopes, the future, it's all so bright, but they, whoever they are, always forget to mention one thing.
life gets in the way.
so maudlin. will cheer this post with a bit of humour. ok, fine, so it's not humour perse. but its still cool.
also, check out starwars gangster rap. it's worthed the watch.
my marketing midterm results came out today. sigh.
gotta start working harder.
may the force be with glumbert,
i wanted to be a lawyer when i was young XD.
and yeah, i can actually feel my brain shrinking. i think there's actually room up there in my skull now.
someone should invent some drug that induces you to use more of your brain than the average.. what? 5% or something?
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