you can get your matching daemon at the golden compass, the official website for the movie of the same name. it's gonna be released in december '07 and it looks really good. or actually.. the site does. but it stars nicole kidman. as a general rule, i love nicole kidman movies.
handed up law monday morning, which, hey(!) was yesterday! huge weight of my shoulders =) hadn't been sleeping much lately as i was working on law. semi-noctournal as i am, sleeping at 6.30am and waking early to continue working does no wonders to my body.
went for lunch with bernard at midvalley then came back uni to meet jason. after he handed up his assgt we went to pick vin where we played with her brownie/browney (brother and sister spell the name differently *shrugs) he's SO adorable!! doesn't like me much though =( doesn't want to layan me *sigh
ANYWAY, the three of us headed to oneU where jason got his breakfast/lunch/tea and went to catch any movie at 5. that was so random, the time was so screwed up, that we ended up watching the hills have eyes 2. it's gruesome but not scary. better than hills have eyes 1. and aside from a few embarrassing moments on my part, it made an enjoyable and relaxing(?) conclusion to our stressful week. next assgt due next week, so we're gonna be super stressed in a bit.
was supposed to go meet ej and her group that came down, namely brian, jonson, liqian, etc. etc. at maison but i couldn't get transport there and taking a cab alone at night in kl is just asking for trouble.
yes, spap, i agreed with you but i didn't want you to drive me there when it's so far out your way -_-
sorry, ej for ffking!!! =( will not next time. promise!
went for dinner and joined dickson and his friends at mage.
played catan with clarence, sat, dickson, wei sheong and some dude who doesn't like to lose much. lol. he won, ultimately, but during the course of the game.. O_o
yea, whatever, came back, msned for a bit and crashed till now. gotta start on my mkw assgt. its due thursday. sigh.
oh. and i got my pendrive back. jason took it from the lost and found and found out it was mine. so he did the honourable thing and returned it. lol!
thanks.. i think? lol
may the force be with the golden compass,
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