had lunch at subang parade with the group and sheryl. initially we were supposed to go watch spiderman3 but jien couldn't make it.. our group's very 'all for one and one for all' so we didn't go catch it.. actually, wait, we're not so all for one and one for all but since we were supposed to watch it together, we shall.
since all of us cleared our friday night schedules *cough* not that I have to but the rest do.. *lol* with the sudden vacancy of plans, we were all left horridly free. asked jien if she wanted to go karaoke instead and while waiting for her reply, jason and vin crashed at my place. in the end, jien couldn't make it *BIGSIGH* she missed out on SO much
vin, you CANNOT carry me. not when i am much heavier than you -_-
ANYWAY, wen called asking what we were doing so she came along for the ride. headed to asia for dinner.
notetoself: when suffering from gastric, do not eat too fast. will feel worse than you initially did. lol. i'm TOO greedy -_-
thanks for the eno =)
digi fu-yoh ppl came over to kacau a bit where they(dickson,vin,jason and wen) won pens and dickson won a shirt as well O_o
headed to redbox after that while we proceeded to get ourselves intoxicated and sing outselves hoarse.
yes, i sing when i'm high. i still don't sing well. i, however, do not need to listen to myself sing X)
those two actually look sort of like a couple but no, they're not. they just like having pictures of themselves taken.. lol
karaoke-ing's real fun. since the room was totally ours, we turned it into a temporary club/bar when we grew too hoarse to sing. even the guys danced.. *lol* (mepokesthem) vin went on rampage and bit everyone. now i've got tonnes of bruises. have to wear long pants for some time. i look like some abused kid -_-"
lol watching the biting war between jason and vin WAS hilarious though.
looking back on this pictures i have discovered a sad truth about myself. my eyes are of different size. EVEN if u ignore the bags *sniff* LOL
oh well.
we were there till 4plus.. the waiter (i think) knew some of us coz he kept on talking to us, asking where jason hung out and stuff? but they say they don't know who the dude is.. lol
headed to darussalam to eat then home after that.
really have to go karaoke-ing again.
EVEN though, yes, i know i don't sing well, it was still way fun X)
may the force be with karaoke,
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