stress has increased ten-fold. no wonder i'm getting white-streaked hair.
some people i know got offers to monash unis in aus. i haven't.
and its been almost two months since i put my application in.
kl isn't all too bad but all i ever wanted since i was in primary was to go melbourne to study. dreams that get washed away hurt more than hopes you can't achieve.
it's not good to harbour dreams. refer to demotivational posters two posts prior to this.
but i do know those that got to unis they don't want.
i hope that doesn't happen to me.
most of my assignment results are out. money and caps is terrigible. so's marketing. god knows how i'm gonna manage my credit for these two subjects.
at least law and acctg seem savable so far.
last major assignment due monday. bless the day i met jien. she really saves my life at these times.
finals is in three weeks.
its so near! there's no time left.
i can't grasp any of the subs.
yes i know i sound like panicky smurf. i'm close.
i also feel like a terrible person. and the problem is, i know i am.
i just pretend i'm not. it works. most of the time. *shrugs
except for the days when i wake up and feel bad about it. hmm. i'll live.

just this one time. i guess. sorry =/
may not be heading to melb to study after all. i'll still be heading down so i guess if nothing else, i'll be there for a week break..

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