at least i thought it was for the weekend =p
it being the week preceeding merdeka, bus tickets sell out pretty damn fast.
so i asked mum to buy a ticket back to kl for me.
and for a reason beyond me ( i shall blame it on my assignments) i asked her to buy me a ticket for the 29th.
which is, yes, i know, a tuesday
and yes, i also DO know i have classes on monday and tuesday.
i DID try to change it when i found out my mistake but by then.. kinda too late.
oh well. that's that.
can't change the past and all that, right? *blek*
anyway, *hmm. i give myself a minute here to collect my thoughts*
friday, jason sent me to pudu after we passed up our assignments. reached penang. went for dinner with my parents and lynn at scarlet. food's pretty good. pretty expensive too. three of us ate up a hefty 180 bucks. that's roughly 60bucks perperson O.o luckily dad pays. lol
saturday: dimsum breakfast. *mmm*
i was initially suppose to eat lunch at 2.30. by 3, when sookie still hadn't returned my calls or answered, i ate a snack at home. no surprise (*lol*) that girl fell asleep and woke up at 4 something although she was the one who called me to go for lunch. anyways, i picked amy at around 4. called sonia who came to take us two starving girls to gurney to eat our er.. 'lunch'
went to fos to buy some stuff where we ended up having to change in the same room due to the lack of changing rooms available. so, us being girls, we camwhored. i'll post a few of the photos up at the end of the entry.
met up with sookie and then headed to food dot com for dinner. i know the name's lame. but the 'oh chian' and 'loh bak' there's heavenly *mmmm*
went to watch jie's performance at tarc after that. got there just in time to watch her performance. it was kinda er.. boring =/ these kinda concerts aren't really my thing but since jie was performing, yay!
went up to bt ferringhi after that coz we wanted to go shop. it was raining so potong stim. no shopping for us. on the up point, we DID try sisha/seesha/spellwordcorrectlyhere
for some reason ri didn't like it. but it did have a real sweet apple flavour. and the smoke's really aromatic. i went home smelling like apple smoke coz sookie kept on blowing the smoke on me. lol
for some reason, ri doens't like sisha. *lol*
and for some other unknown reason, amy and i can't get the hang of smoking sisha (for the sake of my own convenience, i shall spell it as sisha until i learn to real spelling) we kept on inhaling the smoke which made us ended up choking our lungs out. and despite all the effort we put into inhaling the smoke, nothing much to exhale. hahaha.
too bad my cam didn't have batt. nxt time we go sisha again and we'll all bring our cams ok girls?
haha. and sookie.. sorry for spilling the beer on you *paiseh*
sunday started with a bang. i woke up real early coz of some large commotion with lots of screaming and shouting going on. found out that mad had some problem with her health (not too sure wat happened up to now) and everyone was kinda worried. so she went to hospital with the rest while i babysat. luckily nothing wrong with her. just some nasty infected wound. =/
if anything happened to her my bro probably just wither up and die. which kinda sucks =(
she felt better in the afternoon so we went to prangin to fix dad's forever-spoilt-computer (which is currently now better than mine *sigh*) and shop a bit. went to taipan for dinner with uncle lan chai and auntie amy. taipan's beautiful. and they also cater to after-clubbers, late-supperers and late-night snackers coz they close at 4.30am. and the porridge there's really good. they've about 6 different choices of porridge: sharkfin, scallops, abalone and i'm not sure what else. and for approximately 20bucks perperson. woo.
three of us headed up to bt ferringhi (again) to stock up on our cds. there was a raid.
we ended up watching pulse that night. it was actually quite unfortunate how we ended up with pulse.
see, it all started when i picked it up and asked my bro wat he thought of the movie (it stars the 'lost' dude.. shannon's brother. forgotten his name.. but he's cute anyway =p) and then suddenly RAID! dvd seller grabbed the cds out of our hands and we ended up buying the show.
co said i'm jinxed *lol* unfortunate circumstances. i'm not jinxed. it wasn't my fault that when they took me to kl someone banged their car although all the cars had already stopped at one super long traffic light.
also not my fault that their car broke down when they came to pick me to watch a movie one of those days when i was still in pg.
i wasn't in the car when it broke down. so it can't really be blamed on me. *lol*
back to the point anyway. movie kinda sucked
monday. my mum took me shopping at metro. went yamcha with porky, kyin, sookie, shannon, louis and ri later at night.
tuesday: dimsum and then headed back to kl.
offhand thought:
amyyyyy darling!! cheer up okie? occupy urself with other things..
take care okie?? call u again real soon
Frozen Moments
amy, sonia and i
love sonia's top although can't see it
the back's totally bare
and no, i don't dare wear it
it's always fun to shop with girls
sookie and ri
they actually look kind of the same
porky thinks he looks like snoopy *lol*
sonia, sookie and our multicoloured drinks
l-r: suikampeng, gulengpeng, orangejuice, carrotguleng, watermelonjuice
thirteen long years of friendship
too bad nianz and jo weren't around
we look as if we're floating
woo.. ghostly =p
with the keyboardist of 4:12 unlimited, jie!
(note: ttb = trying to be)
sonia ttb normal, jie ttb jie, sookie ttb cute and me ttb sweet XD
at bt ferringhi before it started to rainnn =(
amy and sonia at st. mario's
sookie and i
and we topped off the night with a lil' beer

love sonia's top although can't see it
the back's totally bare
and no, i don't dare wear it


they actually look kind of the same
porky thinks he looks like snoopy *lol*

l-r: suikampeng, gulengpeng, orangejuice, carrotguleng, watermelonjuice

too bad nianz and jo weren't around

woo.. ghostly =p


sonia ttb normal, jie ttb jie, sookie ttb cute and me ttb sweet XD

i miss penang in a way. i miss having a nice big normal sized bed to sleep on with nice comfy matteresses. miss bearbear aka rebound bear (although i got bloo now =p). miss my mum's not usually good cooking. miss playing with my little sister (sometimes). miss hanging out with my bro and mad. miss my friends. miss driving around. miss hanging around complaining about everything to my mum.
but i guess kl's not too bad too *grin*
at least i have bloo in kl with me.
and friends =)
may the force be with ppl who make their own holidays..
but i guess kl's not too bad too *grin*
at least i have bloo in kl with me.
and friends =)
may the force be with ppl who make their own holidays..