as can (obviously) be seen, this post is gonna be about my 19th birthday and how i spent it *grins*
ouh. and for those ppl who tagged me, i guess i shall do it at the bottom of this post.
if u're like this real busy person who has precious little time to waste *note: this means my dear old medical student sister who has to do POSTINGS in hospitals with evil supervisors* i'll repeat myself once again. don't read this post.
well.. it all started with my receiving early birthday presents from ash, linmzandhanwei, my bro and his gf. refer to earlier post 'early bounty'

bloo cwumble (yea, cwumble. medical students are sometimes a bit strange).
- and, i love huggables -
and then, steven, alex and khong treated me to the pussycat dolls concert. ej, i know u don't like them but still, thanks for going *hugs*
and thanks guys, for going for the concert. real nice of you all.

thanks all of you for getting me there. hmm.. about the concert. well, it was ok i guess. luckily the malaysian government didn't ban the dolls from dressing like themselves. and their singing wasn't TOO bad. it sounded pretty much like how they sing in their cd. which is to say is good for dancing but not that great.
it was really damn hot though. it was more packed than a sardine can. and me not being THAT tall had hell trying to see the performance. and it didn't help that ppl kept on shoving me trying to get a better view. neither did it help that they kept on stepping on me. my toe is so gonna fall off -_-". neither did the group of 'ang moh's next to me that were so godawful irritating help much. and reshmonu's act was like. well. reshmonu. i never was a big fan of him.
too bad the dolls performed for barely 45minutes.
still, i had a good time. great of them to get me there =)
i met up with speepe for lunch on tuesday. which was the 1st of august. at sushi king, midvalley. thanks for the lunch, speepe =)
then. my birthday. big hug to everyone that remembered! really appreciate it. and that you all remembered. i guess i won't list their names out here. but still, thanks all the same. love you all *mwah*
nianz and ej came to my room at 12am to greet me and to share some food. cookie crisps and jamoca almond fudge icecream's wonderful. and violet crumble (courtesy of ash). mmm. thanks nianz, amy and kai siang for the perfume. love it. seems i'm got quite a bit of perfume this yr. lol
it was really damn hot though. it was more packed than a sardine can. and me not being THAT tall had hell trying to see the performance. and it didn't help that ppl kept on shoving me trying to get a better view. neither did it help that they kept on stepping on me. my toe is so gonna fall off -_-". neither did the group of 'ang moh's next to me that were so godawful irritating help much. and reshmonu's act was like. well. reshmonu. i never was a big fan of him.
too bad the dolls performed for barely 45minutes.
still, i had a good time. great of them to get me there =)
i met up with speepe for lunch on tuesday. which was the 1st of august. at sushi king, midvalley. thanks for the lunch, speepe =)
then. my birthday. big hug to everyone that remembered! really appreciate it. and that you all remembered. i guess i won't list their names out here. but still, thanks all the same. love you all *mwah*
nianz and ej came to my room at 12am to greet me and to share some food. cookie crisps and jamoca almond fudge icecream's wonderful. and violet crumble (courtesy of ash). mmm. thanks nianz, amy and kai siang for the perfume. love it. seems i'm got quite a bit of perfume this yr. lol
that night, took my engineering pals out for dinner at genki sushi. the sushi's pretty good. and i'm a pretty big fan of sushi.
they then surprised me with an icecream cake from baskins. wonder what flavour the icecream was. it tasted a lil bit strange but extra points go for the the actual action of getting the cake. mighty sweet of them =)
i love icecream. ooh, i'm such a sucker for icecream. easily bribed with icecream. hahahathe next day, my dear girlfriends ej, sarah and van took me out. we 'borrowed' fariz's car. omg, i love to drive. and i SO miss driving. we were initially suppose to go at 6.30. then 7. then 8. then finally left at 8.30. but it's ok coz sarah was driving at first and well.. since she was driving, we all forgive her.. right?? lol
went to swensen's where we all camwhored. a lot.
went to swensen's where we all camwhored. a lot.
got a birthday icecream on the house. and the three of them ordered an earthquake. ooh.. i love you girls. anytime spent with all of you is bound to be fun.

- picture perfect moment -
we then went over to bangsar and due to the fact that we had no idea where to go, we ended up at absolute. again XD
we so need to find a way to get to good places to club. haha. but it was still waaaaaaaaaaay fun coz the company made it all worthedwhile.
anyway, that was a great night out. thanks girls, for making it so.
night after that, followed aereon for some party themed 'back to school'
having absolutely nothing to wear, i wore a pleated shirt and a white button up shirt. seems a lot of ppl dressed that way. even some guys *faints*
they had this 'guy' and 'girl' of the night. omg. and when it came to their performance to choose the winner, they stripped. seriously stripped. one guy even removed his undies (although he tied a shirt around his waist first)
i so do not EVER want to see a buttnekkid guy ever again in a party. EVER again. EVER EVER again.
the girls' performance. they danced. woo.. they're hot. they also stripped. one girl removed her bra. another untied her halter top. a couple actually removed their tops. all for some lousy trip. and a phone. not to say the phone is THAT great a phone -_-"
so, i'm conservative. sue me.
all in all a great weekend. really great birthday. thanks all you ppl who made it so.
gotta get back to my assignments now though. i need to so magically make them appear *sigh*
tags done below:
tagged by ej:we so need to find a way to get to good places to club. haha. but it was still waaaaaaaaaaay fun coz the company made it all worthedwhile.
anyway, that was a great night out. thanks girls, for making it so.
night after that, followed aereon for some party themed 'back to school'
having absolutely nothing to wear, i wore a pleated shirt and a white button up shirt. seems a lot of ppl dressed that way. even some guys *faints*
they had this 'guy' and 'girl' of the night. omg. and when it came to their performance to choose the winner, they stripped. seriously stripped. one guy even removed his undies (although he tied a shirt around his waist first)
i so do not EVER want to see a buttnekkid guy ever again in a party. EVER again. EVER EVER again.
the girls' performance. they danced. woo.. they're hot. they also stripped. one girl removed her bra. another untied her halter top. a couple actually removed their tops. all for some lousy trip. and a phone. not to say the phone is THAT great a phone -_-"
so, i'm conservative. sue me.
all in all a great weekend. really great birthday. thanks all you ppl who made it so.
gotta get back to my assignments now though. i need to so magically make them appear *sigh*
tags done below:
The Rules:
Once you have been tagged you have to write a blog with six weird facts/things/habits about yourself. In the end, you need to pick six people to be tagged and list their names.
i) i'm allergic to grass. i get horrigible rashes when my bare skin makes contact with grass.
ii) i'm a sucker for romance but not that i get THAT much. like ever. lol.
iii) i'm a wasted drunk. once i'm drunk well.. i sort of juz drop. dead person drop.
iv) i miss science subjects. *gasp* and being cuddled.
v) i get nervous when another car gets too close to mine.
vi) i tend to depend on someone to look after me. *laughs* i shouldn't coz i should be more independant XD
tagged by nianz:
1.Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
...was silk as well, and his gold-embroidered white coat. the helmet beneath...
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.
... and i have it wrapped around bloo so well. only thing i'll get is bloo
3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
er. tv. does watching shows on computer count? if yes, then i juz watched dune. if not then, well, i guess the last thing i watched was mtv
4. Without looking, guess what time it is:
5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
my paper heart - the all american rejects and the sound of steven msn-ing me
7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
er.. like 51 minutes ago. was walking sarah back to her car. or actually, fariz's car
8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
nianz blog. management journals.
9. What are you wearing?
dark blue satin nightgown
10. Did you dream last night?
i always dream.. my dreams more usually than not aren't really good. hence me always being tired.
11. When did you last laugh?
from roughly 10 until 12. being with sarah and ej, u're sure to laugh. especially when they're trying to create porn-like photos XD
12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
a collage of my friends and family
13. Seen anything weird lately?
guys stripping (so do NOT ever want to EVER see that again. ever. ever ever) and a few girls too *faint*
15. What is the last film you saw?
in the cinema? that'll be er... er... i don't remember. dragon tiger gate i guess.
16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
spend a bit on stuffs for myself. put the rest into bank. hopefully i can live off the interest. maybe help my parents pay for the bloody house. lol
17. Tell me something about you that I don't know:
can check the tag i did for ej. it's roughly the same. but i guess i'll juz add one here. i literally turn BLUE when it's too cold. but i still prefer cold places than hot ones.
18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
hmm. the world's too full of ppl. so i guess like. well.. hmm. nvm. i'll keep my opinion to myself
19. Do you like to dance?
if in a club, yea, although i don't dance well. haha. i don't mind. who are you to?
20. George Bush:
shouldn't be the president of usa
21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
i actually dont' like children but i guess if i HAD to have a kid and a girl at that, i shall call her something fancy. valura? or vilandra. hahah. i read and watch too much tv =.=
22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him? a boy. hmm. jensen. jensen ackles is damn cute. maybe ewan. coz ewan mcgregor's another cutie. lol
or as russell peters (or peter russels. i can never remember his name) suggested: !xbile.
have a kid with a click in his name XD
lol j/k. that'll juz be pitiful for my kid -_-"
oh. and a chinese name. it's important for chinese to have a chinese name. same goes for the girly above.
23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
of course.
i tag (for both ej's tag and nianz's)
my dear friend's facing a bit of relationship problems at the moment. well.. be strong girl. you'll get over it. but if it's not worthed while to hang on, i'll strongly suggest you don't. but the ultimate decisions all your's of course. take care of urself ok?? be here for you whenever you need someone to talk to. *hugs*
ooh.. right.. and special tribute to my lil tyrannical sister who can sometimes be sooooooooooo adorable when she puts her mind to it.
below is a poem she sent to me for my birthday. i still don't like children but my little sister is an exception. she's one of the sweetest kids ever.
Sing Baby Sing
Sing baby sing
The world is getting better
There is something else since we are together
Let's have a ball
Let's do it all
And sing
Think we got it made
(Sing baby sing)
Think we got it made
Sing baby sing
Dance baby dance
And let the sunshine on us
That's isn't anything to stop us
Let's live it up
Fill up our cup
and dance
Sing baby sing
The world is getting better
There is something else since we are together
Let's have a ball
Let's do it all
And sing
Think we got it made
(Sing baby sing)
Think we got it made
Sing baby sing
Dance baby dance
And let the sunshine on us
That's isn't anything to stop us
Let's live it up
Fill up our cup
and dance
i know, i know, she copied it from somewhere and emailed it to me. but it takes effort to email me. EMAIL!! she's only 5 and she can use the email! *aww.. i'm so proud of her* AND not to forget, she changed a few of the lines. not bad for a 5-yr-old who doesn't like speaking english much XD
i so have to buy her something when i go back. must pamper her a little bit more. lol
may the force be with those that turn 19...
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