she probably took pity on me *lol*
anyway. the more the merrier; more to contribute to opening bottles, eh?
and besides, sookie and jocelyn had come down to kl for short holiday.. at least managed to go out with them =)
i'll just skip to the chase. no one really cares how i spend my days anyway. including myself *lol*

don't ask me to name them. i really don't know all their names.
and its one of the girl's birthdays (farthest right)
so well, happy birthday -insert name here-
so i didn't get her name. bite me. =p
well.. we were there for the normal deal. you know, dancing and drinking?
and it helped that jac's friend brought us ALL in f.o.c, got us the v.i.p. lounge area and proceeded to open 11bottles of chivas and two flaming lambroginis. yes. you read that right. eleven. double one.

and jimmy being a wallflower in the background

at least like me, she's a sleepy/wasted drunk so she's peaceful. unlike the one beside her.
and i'm not referring to myself, thank you very much *blek*

*note: that means we're high but far from being drunk

the only normal housemate i have left =p
ok. fine. the rest are normal too. just a bit.. reclusive -_-"
by 2, ej had disappeared. joy and some of the rest were looking after her. so that left me with the other two. we had to wait for edward to take us back and he was off looking for HIS drunk friends so well.. hmm a bit of an unqualified disaster. oh well.. that definitely sobered me up. haha. my alcohol tolerance has increased. wah. so proud. haha. not that it's that high. it's just.. higher.. than it used to be. lol
anyways, dragged sookie and jo out of rush coz the trance was making them feel worse. and well..
worse = potential puke. and not so potential puke. *lol
and.. there was this fight outside rush. apparently it's a normal occurance. but wth. they somehow made sticks materialise out of nowhere and had a go at it.
didn't help that sookie kept on yelling 'wat's wrong with them? why want to fight?'
anyway.. edward sent us home (thank god he was there.. nice dude that. lol)
well. actually not home, perse. we stayed at joy's
thanks girls =) you're all really sweet *hugs*
couldn't sleep. coz of well. i was really dirty. and i didn't bring anything to change into.
next morning, waited till sookie and jo were picked up by edward who was sending them to pudu and i came home to my apt.
this is a day where my night begun at 11.55am.
bathed and slept. wet hair and all.
woke up when the liverpool match started.
usually.. i wouldn't mind.
but that day.. *yawn* stomach felt like crap. felt as if i was detached from my body.
on an offhand thought, that's like the best way to lose weight. everytime i drink, i have no appetite the next day..
nah. it'll kill my liver.
bad plan.
anyway.. time to do my accounts assignment.
may the force be with those with bad hangovers..
anyways, dragged sookie and jo out of rush coz the trance was making them feel worse. and well..
worse = potential puke. and not so potential puke. *lol
and.. there was this fight outside rush. apparently it's a normal occurance. but wth. they somehow made sticks materialise out of nowhere and had a go at it.
didn't help that sookie kept on yelling 'wat's wrong with them? why want to fight?'
anyway.. edward sent us home (thank god he was there.. nice dude that. lol)
well. actually not home, perse. we stayed at joy's
thanks girls =) you're all really sweet *hugs*
couldn't sleep. coz of well. i was really dirty. and i didn't bring anything to change into.
next morning, waited till sookie and jo were picked up by edward who was sending them to pudu and i came home to my apt.
this is a day where my night begun at 11.55am.
bathed and slept. wet hair and all.
woke up when the liverpool match started.
usually.. i wouldn't mind.
but that day.. *yawn* stomach felt like crap. felt as if i was detached from my body.
on an offhand thought, that's like the best way to lose weight. everytime i drink, i have no appetite the next day..
nah. it'll kill my liver.
bad plan.
anyway.. time to do my accounts assignment.
may the force be with those with bad hangovers..
oiii i like your top a lot la the black and blue one damn chun wei!
hehe. thanks girl =)
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