have u ever woken up in the morning and just hated everything?
and have no idea why you're feeling that way?
except i know EXACTLY why i'm feeling pissed off.
and how it all begun.
except that since this is a public blog, i shall refrain from posting it here.
no, it's nth about being tricked. i know i'm gullible-ish and i have learnt to live with it long ago (lol)
and, no it's not about being picked up with horrible english. what a turn-off being attempted to pick up with bad english. that's just a sidenote =p
not that my english is that fantastic.. but well.. sometimes first impressions DO count. A LOT.
come on.. who tries to pick you up with "can intro me" (he really means 'can you introduce yourself to me') followed by "can know phone?" (asking for number)
who understands this kinda ppl?
and it's definitely not about my mountain-load of assignments that have yet to be done. definitely not that. although, i wouldn't complain if they magically get completed =)
but.. as i said, since anyone can read this, i shall refrain from mentioning any particulars here.
anyways.. watever, i shall try to stop picking fault at the world in general.
at least, i DO have something to fill my many empty hours now.
an extremely old game but watever.. i just begun playing it.
she actually has other costumes.. although by far this is the skimpiest.
i love those dragon guns. they suck other ppl's blood as ammo.
However, once u run out of ammo and can't refill the blood it needs it starts to suck YOUR blood
and have no idea why you're feeling that way?
except i know EXACTLY why i'm feeling pissed off.
and how it all begun.
except that since this is a public blog, i shall refrain from posting it here.
no, it's nth about being tricked. i know i'm gullible-ish and i have learnt to live with it long ago (lol)
and, no it's not about being picked up with horrible english. what a turn-off being attempted to pick up with bad english. that's just a sidenote =p
not that my english is that fantastic.. but well.. sometimes first impressions DO count. A LOT.
come on.. who tries to pick you up with "can intro me" (he really means 'can you introduce yourself to me') followed by "can know phone?" (asking for number)
who understands this kinda ppl?
and it's definitely not about my mountain-load of assignments that have yet to be done. definitely not that. although, i wouldn't complain if they magically get completed =)
but.. as i said, since anyone can read this, i shall refrain from mentioning any particulars here.
anyways.. watever, i shall try to stop picking fault at the world in general.
at least, i DO have something to fill my many empty hours now.

an extremely old game but watever.. i just begun playing it.
she actually has other costumes.. although by far this is the skimpiest.
i love those dragon guns. they suck other ppl's blood as ammo.
However, once u run out of ammo and can't refill the blood it needs it starts to suck YOUR blood

being a vampire rocks.
or in this case.. a dhampire
still rocks though. when else can u be hot and get to suck blood?
wait. that can happen anytime =/

yea, this game's full of blood. and dismemberment. adds to its charm
i'll never get to dismember anyone in real life.
or kill anyone come to think of it.
and i sure as hell won't be able to see the sight of THAT much blood in real life.
Anyways, i'm currently stuck =( i keep getting killed XD
i know, my gaming skills is close to ZERO but at least this DOES fill my time.
baroque crystal. i just bought a napkin (*note: this also means tissue paper -_-") holder for my mum. she so got cheated =p
70% off now so it's like 60bucks. she paid 200. hahaha
oh well. now at least she can have her matching napkin holders that she always wanted.
grownups can have strange fancies when they put their mind to it.
in order to get that fancy tissue holder for my mum, i had to find it at some metrojaya outlet. and no, pyramid does not have anything as fancy as metrojaya.
and klcc's supply of THAT particular baroque napkin holder with that strange rose-like (or maybe it's a carnation. the carving's not that clear. i know it's SOME flower but not sure which) also was non-existant.
so i headed down to midvalley to get the holder. and.. there was this clown convention there.
ok fine. it wasn't a clown convention *grumble*
it was some ribena competition for kiddos.
and steven wanted to go in check it out. i've no idea for what.
and see, i've never been a big fan of kids.. therefore, the soft spot i have for kids in my heart is well.. like.. small. really small. and compare that soft spot for kids as the one i have for clowns, the soft spot i have for kids is like the size of the whole of asia to pulau ketam. or one of those teeny islands.
yea, as i was saying, i was at the ribena kid convention.
this creepy clown kept on following me and steven. and stuck something on steven's shirt. so me, being a good friend and all, i pulled it off.
and that effing clown had the CHEEK to grab my arm and yank me away.
and. he's a strong-ish clown.
and i'm fragile-ish.
actually no. i'm not.
but it still hurts, ok? *waves fist in general direction of midvalley and all clowns*
*mutters* i hate clowns.
satanic bunch of weirdos
ok. fine. i know it's not their fault they've got freaky outfits and stuff. but still.. i hate clowns. and nth in the world will induce me to ever like clowns. creepy freaks.
oh. and as a note. i didn't wake up everyday for the past week feeling pissed off coz of the clown.
offhand thought: it was fun to shop. i always love to shop. even when i can't afford it XD
what an entry. i shouldn't complain so much.
i shall go feed some more.
i need the entertainment
may the force be with rayne..
the bad english part cracked me up. lol.
hey, at least they're trying. be flattered :P
*hmm* i guess?
*thinks* nah.. i'm not flattered when these kinda ppl try =p
so i'm picky XD oops!
oho. so now we know what it takes to pick you up ;)
awww bloodrayne! i downloaded the nude patch once and i cudnt revert it. so i played the whole game from start to finish with a nude rayne n damn are those knockers hawt or wat?!
-thomas: haha. passable english is only ONE of the criteria =p
-yen: she's undeniably hot. although i doubt i'll like to play with her naked. it'll be a serious disturbance to my system. lol
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