life's been spinning on too fast..
haven't been up to much this week cept for meeting YC, shopping, couple of movies, pool and crown with calvin, roshan and calvin's friend ( i keep thinking his name is rayon coz it SOUNDS like that but it's defo not spelt that way) and playing some tennis game with the guys last night (where, obviously, i got my ass trashed.. sigh)
have to try to save a bit though. aside from the presents, treated myself to something nice.
and been shopping around for new perfume.. not for myself, mind.
mmm. i love armani code. for men. AND women.
so gonna get myself armani code when i've saved up a bit (;
ok, that was random but true.
armani code. tis the best !
photos from last night when i get them.
may the force be with armani code,
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