right, fat kid went to work so i'm kinda bored so have to entertain myself for the next 5 hours =(
fyi, perth's not too bad. really sketchy public transport service but the scenery here is breath-taking.
waited for yina at southern cross and both of us went to the airport together.
had like an hour plus to wait coz (idiot) me misread our flight time as 8.10 when it was really 8.40.. LOL
the plane touched down HALF AN HOUR early, meaning i reached (perth time) 10.15 (12.15 melby time). fat kid's phone was off so he didn't come to pick me with felix, kenny and dennis till 11plus =(
perth's not as cold as melby was so i was kinda.. too warmly dressed. LOL.
went to his church in the morning for some easter service thing.. his university is ENORMOUS and it's BEAUTIFUL. i'm jealous ! monash looks like a rock being compared to klcc beside curtin uni. seriously a place out of a postcard.
headed to fremantle after where there was some art festival thing going on.
went to cicerello's to sit and chill for a bit
it's a restaurant right by the pier.. soooooo b-e-a-u-tiful!
i ate at sara thai, the place where my fat kid works. the crispy squid is DELICIOUS. no photos coz don't wanna embarass him in front of his colleagues.. teehee
headed to pot black (i think?) for snooker coz everything's closed on easter.. =( and timezone for some arcade games
went for a walk at the (finally) lively city.
there was this break-dancing thing, but that kinda sucked so didn't bother taking photos
got a new top.. and the necklace toos ! whee !
yes, black again but there were no other colours and the top's really nice
and since he said just get it.. lol, who am i to disagree right?
wokay, bad background but it's not easy to camwhore clothes by yourself. LOL.
yea, i know, not many photos.. fat kid has a phobia of cameras (being in front of them.. and no patience to be behind one either -_-")
day 3 here coming to an end =(
though, to be honest, i miss melbourne. lol.
may the force be with western aussie,
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