Sunday, March 09, 2008

opposition landslide

hi, am bizzy. no time to update.

election fervour has hit my house, everyone (all five of us) have been discussing the elections nonstop.

penang is an opposition state now. har har.

and so is apparently another four states. wow, crazy-ass results.

found my new place to stay. need to get furniture. haven't quite recovered from VII and ikea and moomba that formed my action-packed saturday.

i can fit a queen-sized bed in my room.

14 days before i go to perth to see my baby. my non-blue one. also yay.

am hungry. lunch time.

photos later on.

may the force be with leftists,


photos from VII

the three unfortunate singles. lol.

bro and mad.

group photo =D

more or less group photo

the boys

the girls

we-sa right behind ze dj !

mad being all smouldering, smoky hot while teri and i concentrate on being normal (;

all those enjoyments

ack ! strangulation!

they just want a little fun..



last group photo of the night

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