jien and jason, i'm gonna see you in melb so i went back to see both of you but in a lesser degree X)
anyway. this post is gonna be a long one chocked full of photos (unedited ones coz i'm posting WAY too many to edit em) coz it was one busy busy week for me =)
this batch of photos are ALSO the first batch of photos of me with SHORT hair *gasp
went back on saturday. dickson picked me up and we both went back to sunway so i could pack my apartment. it kinda looks like a store room with all ej's and joy's stuff in it =(
kinda wanted to stay there coz i didn't want to trouble anyone's family but in the end, went to stay with vin and dickson for the ENTIRE week. feel so bad! i kicked aivin out of her room (not intentionally ok! i said it was ok and i could crash anywhere but she said its ok and she'd sleep with cinvin) and their parents fed me throughout the week.
actually.. i can't really remember what we did most of the week coz i have the worse short term AND long term memory ever but i think we spent that night watching house. come to think of it, we spent most nights watching house. LOL.
finished season two in a week. not bad, right?
went to watch 200pound beauty on sunday with dickson, vin, wei sheong, sat and john. its a decent movie though the star's too bimbo for my taste. beautiful, granted, but bimbo. fab voice though. can melt when she sings. headed to murni after the movie where jason came to meet us AND also proceeded to point out that my new haircut doesn't look good on me. lol. had big apple doughnuts for munchies. zomg. they are SO good *melts
we then went back home*1 (jason included) to watch movies and basically just veg out. amazing how much dewar's he can drink just for fun O_o
monday, went back to monash to see june but she wasn't in till 3pm. having nothing to do, i went to catch surf's up with spap. zomg. the weather was so hot and i brilliantly wore a sweater sortof top. liquid smurf melted and evaporated =(
went to mage that night with vin and edmund. that's gonna be the last time i go to my geek hangout for a long long while *sobs* played ticket to ride - america, nevada falls (i think?) and some game where we've to grab totems. can't remember what its called anyway.
oohs, i love mage. gonna miss going there.
tuesday, me, jien, jason, vin and dickson went to port dickson (no pun intended, really.. teehee) SUPPOSEDLY at around 1 but by time we went to pick jien up it was 4 already. LOL. at least we reached PD in time for jien to catch her sunset.
went for dinner at some seafood coffeeshop where we got attacked by fireants. so painful ok!! dickson came to try to help me coz he saw me squealing in the middle of the road but got attacked instead. and like. even worse. shows that one should never try to be a hero. coz heroes die first. lol. thought that counts though.. thanks =)
food there's much cheaper than on genting. our meal that had prawns AND crabs and two other dishes equaled ONE batin fish. LOL.
went to get some burgers after that (yea, we all pigged out. am so gonna ecksplodd!)
so proud of ourselves. first time EVER we spent as a group out WITHOUT alcohol. lol. just loads of food.
had the weirdest sleeping pattern ever. see, two single beds and five of us.
vin and i had to curl up the entire night! lol so cramped when we woke up
headed back to kl next day. i think i went home and slept if off. hmm. wednesday's sortof a blank to me =/
went to the curve on thursday so i could buy something to wear coz we were supposed to go club that night. in the end, couldn't go club coz jason and jien couldn't make it. dickson and i didn't really feel like going coz (in my case) i didn't know anyone who was going (mostly vin's friends). so. she went maison and i stayed home to watch house.
friday afternoon we went to catch transformers. zomg. i love the movie. dickson got some holographic bookmark thingy and he let me keep it. lolz! whee~
the decepticons have cooler names and vehicles but i still like the autobots-especially bumblebee.. X)
wanted to go catch 'so you think you can dance' but as dickson and vin had some family dinner to attend, we had to ffk AGAIN. zomg. i think zhen hates us with a vengeance now...
it was kinda late by time dickson and vin got home so three of us rushed to oneU to meet jason and jien for our karaoke session at neway.

the shots taken later in the night show me rather.. erm.. slammed. so, am not posting em.
vin complained i didn't want to layan her. actually right, i wanted to. i just couldn't. LOL
actually.. was coz they were singing some chinese song which i don't know so i busied myself taking pictures.. =)
neway is so much cheaper than redbox! it was like 70+ perperson on a friday night! it was 100+ in redbox. lol. amazingly, we didn't finish our bottle of tequila. not that i think vin and i could drink anymore than we already had. bleargh. combination of tequila and lack of dinner killed me.
wanted to go back saturday but i couldn't wake dickson up. LOL. so instead, we went to sell my monitor (for a measley 20bucks *sighhhh*) and went to have a double lunch at subang parade after he woke up. see, i didn't want mcdonald's, he didn't want sushi. so followed him to eat then he followed me to eat. so weird -_-
went to walk around and he was telling me that his uncle bought the olympus fe-230 at a SALE price somewhere in parade so we went there to check it out.
after checking out most of the shops, i found a place which sold the camera for a hundred bucks less than the price his uncle paid. lol. so, me, knowing my shopping habit, bought it. it WAS the last unit there as well k! better get first before it gets sold out.. besides, i've been wanting a new digicam for like ever. teehee.

olympus fe-230

yes, vin, he's adorable.
was supposed to go to the airport to see vin's friends off but somehow or other we never made it so we stayed home to chill. 'cept for dickson who went to meet his friends.
went out for lunch with the lim family on sunday (inclusive of aunt, uncle and grandma, parents, aivin, cinvin and dickson O_o makes me feel all the weirdness). their family is slightly bak kut teh crazy. we ate two bak kut teh meals consequtively!!
weather's so hot lately. went to dip my feet in an icebucket after we got back from lunch coz i was seriously overheating.
the bliss of cool water. mmm.
my koala bear aka vinny ninja has a super high fever. get well fast ok, babe?
anyway. am back in penang. kinda miss kl but i'm glad to be home. little sister asked me yesterday er chie, do you like your friends or me more?
made me feel so bad. sorry princess. will stay home more now that i'm back, really.
by the way, be careful of azzy k, vin and spap? i think he chews clothes.. lol i got back and was unpacking and my mum, who was helping me, asked me "ann, how come your clothes have holes in them?" -_-
and.. those holes are all kinda small.. i'd say my guess is rather spot on when i say one of the dogs chewed on them and since browney's the less hyperactive one, i blame azzy. lol. remind me to zip my suitcase the next time i go stay with ppl with hyperactive dogs. lol.
went out for lunch with the lim family on sunday (inclusive of aunt, uncle and grandma, parents, aivin, cinvin and dickson O_o makes me feel all the weirdness). their family is slightly bak kut teh crazy. we ate two bak kut teh meals consequtively!!
weather's so hot lately. went to dip my feet in an icebucket after we got back from lunch coz i was seriously overheating.
the bliss of cool water. mmm.
my koala bear aka vinny ninja has a super high fever. get well fast ok, babe?
anyway. am back in penang. kinda miss kl but i'm glad to be home. little sister asked me yesterday er chie, do you like your friends or me more?
made me feel so bad. sorry princess. will stay home more now that i'm back, really.
by the way, be careful of azzy k, vin and spap? i think he chews clothes.. lol i got back and was unpacking and my mum, who was helping me, asked me "ann, how come your clothes have holes in them?" -_-
and.. those holes are all kinda small.. i'd say my guess is rather spot on when i say one of the dogs chewed on them and since browney's the less hyperactive one, i blame azzy. lol. remind me to zip my suitcase the next time i go stay with ppl with hyperactive dogs. lol.
really enjoyed my week. big big thanks for vin and spap for putting up with me and entertaining me the entire week. come melb also, nxt year, k? =) it'll be nice to have our group all together again..
gonna miss you two so so much!
am so dependant on them. dunno how i'm gonna function without all my best friends in kl.. ej, wen, vin, dickson.. sigh.. super hard finding good friends and they're great friends.
(jason and jien don't get included coz as i say, i'm still gonna be seeing them in melb.. *grin)
anyway, back in pg, back to reality and my myriad of visa problems.
am off to deal with them.
may the force be with soon to be leaving smurfs,
gonna miss you two so so much!
am so dependant on them. dunno how i'm gonna function without all my best friends in kl.. ej, wen, vin, dickson.. sigh.. super hard finding good friends and they're great friends.
(jason and jien don't get included coz as i say, i'm still gonna be seeing them in melb.. *grin)
anyway, back in pg, back to reality and my myriad of visa problems.
am off to deal with them.
may the force be with soon to be leaving smurfs,
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