have internet access for a bit.
so, quick update of what i've been up to. last week in penang was chocked full of outings and events.. mum wasn't too happy that i wasn't bothering about packing and getting ready to fly but *shrugs i managed in the end..
met my friends for drinks on and off through the week:

had my farewell dinner on friday.. mum catered. love my mum so much.and i miss her too..

and then came saturday! feel so touched that all my friends came to see me off (;
even those that couldn't, all wished me luck and stuff. made me tear nia.. =(
gonna miss you all to bits

gonna miss my family loads. princess didn't want to let me go! *sobs
reached sunday morning where my bro picked me from the airport (:
i missed him too! now am living with him and madison. i like his place. its comfy.

they took me to crown yesterday but no, i did not gamble.. just walk around. super tired ok! i haven't walked around THIS much for a long time.. we walk everywhere! for hours! but not gonna become skinnier coz i still eat a lot. they feed me fattening food like steak and stuff. lolz
met jien this morning and spent the day with her touring the city as well as going to caulfield for a bit.

eating some sandwich jien and i had for lunch at myers. she forced me to finish coz she said wasting otherwise. lol.

with our boostjuice! tis super addictive!

jien and our boostjuice!

outside some chapel on flinders street

at the federation square

am an ice-cream freak. i'll eat icecream anywhere, anytime.

some ad from optus.. on a bench!

weird architecture at the federation square.

jien at the parliament

me at the parliament!
toured around the city past two days. my feet are blistered and i'm cold.. *brrr* but in a good way =)
love you people back home!
super miss bloo. want a huggable back!
may the force be with smurfs who miss home,
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