Monday, February 04, 2008


i just realised:
i have less than TWO weeks in malaysia, one in pg. wtf right? its like i'm going to kl for the cny and then home for 6 days, then back to melbourne for me.
please, oh please, PLEASE let my flight be delayed...

oh, ash says i should stop measuring the days but i figure, everyone needs some form of measure, and time is a good measure. it's hard not to count the days anyway coz i kinda like it back home..

on another note, collecting petitions is HARD WORK

loads of people don't really want to listen, and a lot that do don't want to sign. petition signing on the blog has SLOWED down too, which is really bad. people, promote the site! promote the site!
went to collect signatures after nianz memorial at the temple then at youthpark in the evening. not such a great response *sigh

anyway, had dinner with my girls. will upload pics when i get them.

until then, may the force be with nianz.


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