welcome to joshua hoffine's photography. he stages his photo shoots like small movies, with sets, costumes, elaborate props, fog machines and special effects make-up. photoshop only used to finesse details and to adjust colour and contrast.
trust me, this photos look extremely photoshopped.
but, unlike the norm, joshua hoffine's photography deals with childhood fears.
who hasn't had them? the evil 'it' clown, the bogeyman, the fear of the thing under the stairs..
take a look;

even, to enter his site here, the first image you see is:

all the models are really his friends and family. makes me wonder what type of childhood or life he had..
on another note, its getting effing cold here. its windy and it rains everyday. doesn't help that i don't own a heater.
so, i went to find one. i went to as many places as i could (considering i finish work at 5.30, that leaves me basically 5 minutes to run to any shop to look around before they close for the day) and finally settled for a second-hand heater i found at this second-hand shop.
talk about bad investments =( my portfolio of investments currently's not looking up.
my allak has a small tear in the leather (methinks electrician dude did it though i can't be sure *sobs*) and now...
zomg, i turned it (heater) on for five minutes and it.. burnt out. i'm not kidding, it literally BURNT out. now my room smells like burnt something. wtf, right? i can't even take it back coz i don't have time to get to the shop before it closes within the next few days as i leave for work at (yes, i know, ungodly hour, shutup -_-) 7.15am! and i usually get BACK to my house at 6.30 to 7 in the evening. sigh, the things we do for some extra pocket money..
fyi, in case you didn't know, i'm a casual for this two weeks, i am gonna work for three to four (hopefully five) days in order to have some spending money for winter. doesn't help that i'm gonna have to buy a new heater.
so frustrated ! ok, back to my final assignment. please help me =( i can't find journals.
may the force be with being in grip with frustration,
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