today, sonia finally got FB.
welcome to the world of modern, babe (;
i know, that's pointless. am feeling pointless again. midterm for financial mngt wasn't such a breeze but i gotta do well.
i also kinda pissed bridgette off i think =(
was supposed to go work casual for her but then i realised that finals is just around the corner and it isn't such a smart idea to go work now.
she didn't sound too pleased when i called just now to tell her i doubt i can make it.. but i'll still work this week la, until they can find a new replacement.
i feel so bad =(
so so bad.
and people keep outbidding me for my ebay stuff. sobs sobs. i wanted the juicy coulture jacket! ='(
may the force be with totally random emo chicks flicking you off (haha),
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