Saturday, April 26, 2008

the extremes of boredom and stress..

ever wondered how'd you look a red-head? or a blonde? or, to an extreme colour, bright pink hair or maybe blue?

i'm sure you have. but you didn't have the guts to do it.

yea, me neither.

that's when photoshop comes in handy.

i'm a light-hazel people!
was so tempted to make jien a red-head or a bright pink head.
i did actually, but she has banned me from posting it, so just me.

i am also studying for my midterms, am going cranky and am royally pissed at the mixup in communications for one of my assignments.
hence which, i turned myself blonde, hehe.

ok, that's it. back to study.
may the force be with blondie,

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