Thursday, April 03, 2008

foreign language

before anyone starts exclaiming on why i'm blogging at such an ungodly hour, i shall tell you why. i've touched down back at melbourne and finished unpacking and doing my laundry. i only have an hour before class starts so i can't sleep now or i'll never wake up for it hence me trying to keep myself busy.

aw, hell, i'll probably doze off in the lecture hall anyway.

i had a very uneventful trip back. was taken to the airport by kenny, ken, shao li and my fat kid. *sigh* i think it was worse leaving this time as compared to all those other times, boo. there was this really sinky feeling when he hugged me goodbye ='(
attempted to sleep most of the 4 hours though rather unsuccessfully. the skybus terminal wasn't working for a while when i touched down at (melbourne time) 5.05 am (perth time 2 am) until someone came and got it fixed =)

got to southern cross around 6.50 where some guy, by name of.. kitlan(?) offered to help me take my bag to the train platform =)
yay, minimum toting my luggage around.

i had a GREAT time in perth. even though it's kinda boring and the public transportation sucks, i had so-ooooooo much fun there.
thanks so much, sweetie for making my trip so fun. oh, and to your friends too for ferrying me around (;


king's park

view of the city from the park

some memorial thingy

another view of the park

near the restaurant

back home for a quick bath and change and it's off to metro

metro's super huge.. it's got a giant buildup area and three storeys

with jo, shima and cherlyn


bright colours attract my attention. my camera just can't take in what i see =(

there was a fire show and a few other performances coz that night it was some singaporean night thing

and it was super packed with quite a few chun chicks (;

may the force be with my ended holiday,

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