and no perth photos yet coz i'm lazy to scale them down to size to enable easier uploading.
so therefore you can backdated photos from my trip to melbourne zoo with my bro, mad and nellie.
haha, as you can probably tell, it was still winter when we went, hence why we're all in coats and stuff. yes, i went there that long ago. but i only just got the photos from madison hence why late update (;
yes i'm still depressed about being home and all that but hey, i've settled back in my life here amazingly well.. it's almost like i never left. my room's a mess again (i cleaned it up really well before i left) and my bed's a mess again - my bears can no longer be discerned from my pillow-bolster fortress, yes i'm that messy, haha. at least my room's neatish.
i also went to watch eagle eye last night with my housemates and matt.
it was entertaining but i am of opinion that it doesn't really add anything new to the plate. it doesn't have any original story line (it borrows heavily from a lot of other action movies like i,robot and diehard and stuff which in turn borrows from other movies so.. well.. yea, movie buff like me has seen most of it before) and their action shots are dizzying to say the least. it's all like cloverfield (and i liked cloverfield) but its full of explosions and flying mechanical parts (unlike cloverfield) making it a trap for epileptic fits. not that i get them, just.. well.. it wasn't the best action scene i've seen in my life, haha.
one explanation i came up with is that eagle eye was meant for the imax screen which makes watching it on a normal movie screen seem too.. well.. wide. haha. my eyes couldn't follow what was happening on most of the screen during the action scenes and so, yea, headache: ON.
all in all though, eagle eye's not too bad. it won't leave any lasting impression (shia lebeouf doesn't make that great an action hero star -_-) but it's still a pretty decent movie.
it started to rain when we reached so all of us got a bit wet which will explain my flat-on-head hair. haha.

and that ridiculous feather duster on the bottom right photo is also some monkey which must be some mistake from creature evolution. its cute, but in a ridiculous way, lol.
sorry mother nature for laughing at your creation =p

teehee apparently mother nature plays spore too!
also photo of madison playing with friendly gibbon who in turn kept completely still for us to take photos. when we left we saw him SWING over to another group of tourists and POSE for them too ! talk about camwhore monkey, lol.

iorek's so disappointed to see his real life counterparts looking so dirty.

may the force be with missing someone special,
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