i've got company reporting tomorrow, and yes, i know i should be studying but i'm going crazy from having studied nonstop all day for the past few days.
yet i'm still rather.. contented. it's a weird paradox being stressed yet contented.
but that's because i'm feeling really grateful..
to my sweetheart for having to put up with my stressed-out phone calls at all times of the day and night, and yes, 5am calls are strangely comforting and for always doing a great job of making me feel better. marginally at least i guess. i can't really feel good during exam period =(
to my wonderful siblings for calling me up to check on me and of course to my brother who tapaos food for me every now and then because he's scared i'll starve, teehee.
to my parents whom keep telling me however i do they'll still support and love me ! teehee (although i'm trying to do well still)
to my housemates who leave barli in the fridge and cook dinner and leave food for me and generally being all-round nice (;
i'm still quite.. sad coz all of them are acting like exams are over (they have like a two week break between exams so.. generally, more relaxed) but that's ok ! i will get through my exams !
yes, i will get through my exams.
doesn't help that it's sooo hot, sobs.
investments on friday =((
may the force be with me *please god, let me do well*
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