so sad right ! it's been two weeks already ! zomg, time moves so fast =(
i really gotta be studying for my FINALS but yea, in between moping about being back in melbourne and away from my sweetie, twilight books, confessions of an economic hitman, true blood, dexter, the fringe, i really haven't been getting anything done, sigh.
true blood's story is similar to twilight.. there are vampires (lots of them) and a star who can read minds. different setting though and i think i've fallen in love with the star of twilight (edward cullen). lol he's sooooo dark and mysterious and supposed to be impossibly good looking. hahaa, apparently vampires are all good looking and stuff because they are predators and like a noxious flower are enticing to their victims, hmm.

haha, actually, nah, twilight's really popcorn fare and it actually kinda depressed the hell out of me coz it's so sweetly romantic and reminds me a fair bit of asher except that my darling's more of a grizzly bear than a vampire even if they both like the dark and are mysterious and stuff.

i can't wait !
true blood's very southern so their accents get on my nerves at times but still.. it's not too bad a watch. keeps my attention and yea, i've always had a thing for vampires and therefore, it's keeps my attention. anna paquin's not that pretty but her vampire beau's kinda.. well.. teehee, mysteriously good loooking, woo.
i realise reading too much of twilight has kinda reduced me to a starry-eyed idiot so i shall stop all swooning from this point onwards.
and yes, i also realise that all readers and friends can tell i have a fascination with vampires.
no i do not want to get killed by one but i always thought vampires are.. entrancing, bewitching, alluring, captivating, circean, whatever. lol.
and now i shall get on with the whole point of my post which i'm sure no one remembers if u actually read my rambling which was the royal perth show. scroll back to the first line - i mentioned it, really i did! lol
i went to the royal perth show for one day.. they don't have concession prices like melbourne (10bucks after 5.30) and it costing 24bucks to enter, we all thought it smarter to spend the entire day there.

but let's face it, we go to these kinda shows to waste money anyway
i'm so lucky to have a boyfriend who actually buys food i like for me, unhealthy and fattening or not, teehee. even if it was kinda ex :S
lol, he actually bought me a toffee apple too but i gave up on it and chucked it. it's almost impossible to eat =(
and we came across this cake-competition thing where all the cakes were put on display.
these cakes are all 100% edible and they look really fantastic.
even the flower pots.. they're also 100% edible, cool eh? the flower pots were made by the judges, woo.

and lookie what i won ! AND ON MY FIRST TRY of LAUNCHING THE FROG too !
it's this game where u catapult a frog into buckets and i got three out of five frogs in and won a snake ! =)
the snake's actually really soft and quite unlike those hard-as-rock prizes u usually win during these kinda fairs.
this snake costs 30bucks for those who want to buy it ! and i won it with 5bucks, teehee, amma proud of myself (;
it's this game where u catapult a frog into buckets and i got three out of five frogs in and won a snake ! =)
the snake's actually really soft and quite unlike those hard-as-rock prizes u usually win during these kinda fairs.
this snake costs 30bucks for those who want to buy it ! and i won it with 5bucks, teehee, amma proud of myself (;

ash disallowed me from wearing my snake scarf to sara thai =(
i was so tempted to, lol.

i took the snake home (which as yet is still unnamed so i shall call him kaa for the time being) to meet iorek and... and..
i'll let the pictures below explain.
as they say, pictures tell a thousand words.

lol, i know i'm being childish (impossibly so) haha, i can't help it =p
i pity ash, having to put up with my sudden (ok, maybe it's permanent and not sudden) bouts of immaturity
ok, gotta study again.. co bought me durians so i've been happily chomping them while doing this post and i've successfully durian-fied the house.. it all smells of durians, lol.
i love my brother ! and i love durians ! and i love my brother coz he knows i love durians and bought me durians !
almost a week since i left perth. i miss my sweetheart. still.
this posts also marks the end of all my posts of perth.
may the force be with a missing piece of my heart,
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