Sunday, October 05, 2008

the pacemaker

i would really like to upload some photos and give a quick update since my sweetheart's at work and i've got monopoly of his computer...

but (there's always a but) i can't figure out how to get his cardreader to work, teehee, i'm uncomputer savvy i am.

in any case, i haven't actually DONE anything this holiday.. just the royal perth show, wall-e, hanging out and dinner with ken/jo/cherlyn at some point or other and a dimsum lunch with jason and frances. yet, i've been enjoying every second of my trip here. every second.

i'm going to miss him so much when i leave, and that's too soon from now. one week and more has slipped by my fingers like grains of sands in the dunes of time.

so take my hand, I will follow, Only you can slow this down
so take my hand, and I will mellow, make me stay, here with you

promise, proper update when i get home and back to my normal (albeit somewhat saddening) life.

may the force be with you long distance couples,

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