i have a very routined life and hence, there's nothing much to blog about.
anyhow, a quick log"
15th december: the little princess' birthday celebration at maccas.
headed to glo after that with lin and sara and their friends. photos from this night will not be uploaded as there are a shitload of photos on this post already.
17th dec: woke up at 6am to send my parents to the airport for their phuket holiday. that night followed my older sister as my little sister's guardians for her party. (yes, i know my little sister has more parties than i do)
i learnt a few things from her party:
i) kids nowadays are waaaaaaay spoilt.
ii) clowns are actually pretty rich. the dude who was playing mr. pipi the clown drives an s-class mercedes. i shall never look down on clowns ever again.
the rest of the week was spent baby sitting my little sister as well as a few outings with friends. none of which i have any photos.
18th december: eileen left. had to be at the airport at 6.30 am. i made it.. sort of. i did oversleep a bit.

22nd december: i went for my office party. brought pasta for the potluck and famous amos cookies for the gift exchange. i got a pen in return. meh.
later in the night i went for the ECF christmas dinner at penang club. that's my older sister's church by the way.
good food, pretty company, passable entertainment.

they're at the same table as me, hence me having photos of them.
i actually have photos of the other pastors family somewhere. (keyword here being somewhere)
and, they're a pretty family. i like pretty families.
especially nani. and she's really nice too.
left the party around 11pm to pick my parents from the airport.
24th december: chrismurf eve.
i was supposed to go have steamboat dinner with sooch and porky and etc. etc. at 7.30pm but due to some unforseen circumstances (bloody furniture mover dudes being a good 4 hours late and arriving to move furniture at 9.30pm which nicely coincided with the fact that my parents had a christmas eve dinner to attend which left me and my older sis having to tell furniture mover dudes where to put the furniture) i couldn't catch dinner with my friends.
btw, thanks for calling. =) even if you couldn't do anything to help, at least i vented my frustration on someone. hahaa. wait, that sounds wrong -_-"
for once, i shall bless the fact that sookie is always a couple of hours late. when i called her, she was just leaving so she dropped by to pick amy (who was overnighting at my place) and i up, stopped for a bite at northam beach cafe (the rest had already eaten) and then went on straight to momo to meet the rest of my mgs group.
i also stole ri's santa hat.
momo was fun. till like... a couple of my friends got a bit too tipsy for their own good. one sobered up quick enough. thankfully.
i wanted to go glo to meet the rest of my friends but having already coughed up so much dough for momo, coughing up the cover charge for glo was kinda.. well.. i'm too stingy. and broke. =(
so didn't meet them in the end.
left around 1.40am as my friend (obviously) had clubbed enough. went back to my place where she slept it off.
for the christmas countdown

i awoke on christmas day horrigibly sick. no, it was not a hangover. i didn't drink enough to even be high. i blame it on the lack of sleep.
had the ECF church ppl come over to have a christmas party at my place that night. due to my horrigibly sick condition (i have a terrible cough, i have lost my voice and currently sound like a man, which if you know me and my sortof squeaky voice, is an amazing feat, and have a swollen eye which probably came from my couple of days of not sleeping) i skipped most of the party, coming down in spurts long enough to grub for some turkey, lamb chops, and the various potato dishes.
no photos of me for the night. hehe. i will however upload photos of the christmas dinner if i get them.
i got a top from my sister, a bottom from sookie and a card from my little sister. and numerous hugs from various others.
thankchu to all who made chrismurf a nicer affair.
new year's coming up.
the next time i blog, it will be 2007.
i don't really have any resolutions.
i just want my life to get be on track.
and to get rid of useless emotional baggage.
not that it's bad, understand. just.. useless.
however, i still can't wait to see what 2007 will bring.
hopefully, passage down to melbourne.
i wish a merry chrismurf to all my friends and family
and above all, a happier and more fulfilling 2007.
may the force be with chrismurf,