the rush is dying down. have been super lazy to go lately.
or maybe it's just coz its been like 10 degrees lately.
test tomorrow. ibf.
exam schedule's out. very packed schedule indeed. 16, 17, 19, 23rd.
wen if u read this means i'll be really free to layan you when you come melb already since my exams are all crammed into the start of the exam period.
my past week was kinda weird.
to be honest.. i can't really remember what i did.
what i do remember was going to seven at the end of easter break and running into jennifer there. dinner with her, cal and bob sometime later. dinner at oriental spoon to celebrate brian's birthday and drinks after at cho gar.
getting the randomest request from wen to help her buy her plane tickets to melbourne.
assgt and test on fri, going gym after and deciding to take a 'shortcut' home and reaching home an hour later :(
the most awesome (and expensive) peking duck at old kingdom with cal, sandhi, vlad, alex and rofl, vlad's parents, heading home, grabbing my makeup and seven again (zomg, we really have to stop going there..), a night of wii-challenging/football watching sat, and being a plus one on sunday O_o
dinner and j-wow with wilson then back to zagame's for drinks with the penangites.
and today. WORK WORK WORK. do work ! haha. test tomorrow ~ rwar !
first some photos ! most are on fb already though.. well, seems there are tonnes of photos. this is what happens when everyone has a few shots too many and the camera.. travels.
it comes back with dozens of total randoms.
only photos at the clubs though.. all other photos from other events are either non-existant or not with me.
clubbing with the penangites last fri
although, it being seven, met others so quite a few pictures with foreign aliens =p
and when jen was in melb

ok, break time's over.
time to study a bit and then head to gym.
cheers people.
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